GaganGeet Singh Aujla
GaganGeet Singh Aujla
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Durham University
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Cited by
Edge computing in the industrial internet of things environment: Software-defined-networks-based edge-cloud interplay
K Kaur, S Garg, GS Aujla, N Kumar, JJPC Rodrigues, M Guizani
IEEE communications magazine 56 (2), 44-51, 2018
Blockchain for smart communities: Applications, challenges and opportunities
S Aggarwal, R Chaudhary, GS Aujla, N Kumar, KKR Choo, AY Zomaya
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 144, 13-48, 2019
BEST: Blockchain-based secure energy trading in SDN-enabled intelligent transportation system
R Chaudhary, A Jindal, GS Aujla, S Aggarwal, N Kumar, KKR Choo
Computers & Security 85, 288-299, 2019
SURVIVOR: A blockchain based edge-as-a-service framework for secure energy trading in SDN-enabled vehicle-to-grid environment
A Jindal, GS Aujla, N Kumar
Computer Networks 153, 36-48, 2019
SDN-enabled multi-attribute-based secure communication for smart grid in IIoT environment
R Chaudhary, GS Aujla, S Garg, N Kumar, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (6), 2629-2640, 2018
Edge computing-based security framework for big data analytics in VANETs
S Garg, A Singh, K Kaur, GS Aujla, S Batra, N Kumar, MS Obaidat
IEEE Network 33 (2), 72-81, 2019
The Internet of Things for Smart Cites: Technologies and Applications
Y Qian, D Wu, W Bao, P Lorenz, LP Qian, Y Wu, B Ji, L Huang, ...
IEEE Network, 2, 2019
A decoupled blockchain approach for edge-envisioned IoT-based healthcare monitoring
GS Aujla, A Jindal
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (2), 491-499, 2020
LSCSH: Lattice-based secure cryptosystem for smart healthcare in smart cities environment
R Chaudhary, A Jindal, GS Aujla, N Kumar, AK Das, N Saxena
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (4), 24-32, 2018
Optimal decision making for big data processing at edge-cloud environment: An SDN perspective
GS Aujla, N Kumar, AY Zomaya, R Ranjan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (2), 778-789, 2017
Data offloading in 5G-enabled software-defined vehicular networks: A Stackelberg-game-based approach
GS Aujla, R Chaudhary, N Kumar, JJPC Rodrigues, A Vinel
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (8), 100-108, 2017
Optimized big data management across multi-cloud data centers: Software-defined-network-based analysis
R Chaudhary, GS Aujla, N Kumar, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (2), 118-126, 2018
Blocksdn: Blockchain-as-a-service for software defined networking in smart city applications
GS Aujla, M Singh, A Bose, N Kumar, G Han, R Buyya
IEEE Network 34 (2), 83-91, 2020
GUARDIAN: Blockchain-based secure demand response management in smart grid system
A Jindal, GS Aujla, N Kumar, M Villari
IEEE transactions on services computing 13 (4), 613-624, 2019
ECCAuth: A secure authentication protocol for demand response management in a smart grid system
N Kumar, GS Aujla, AK Das, M Conti
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (12), 6572-6582, 2019
SeDaTiVe: SDN-enabled deep learning architecture for network traffic control in vehicular cyber-physical systems
A Jindal, GS Aujla, N Kumar, R Chaudhary, MS Obaidat, I You
IEEE network 32 (6), 66-73, 2018
SAFE: SDN-assisted framework for edge–cloud interplay in secure healthcare ecosystem
GS Aujla, R Chaudhary, K Kaur, S Garg, N Kumar, R Ranjan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (1), 469-480, 2018
Energychain: Enabling energy trading for smart homes using blockchains in smart grid ecosystem
S Aggarwal, R Chaudhary, GS Aujla, A Jindal, A Dua, N Kumar
Proceedings of the 1st ACM MobiHoc workshop on networking and cybersecurity …, 2018
Tensor-based big data management scheme for dimensionality reduction problem in smart grid systems: SDN perspective
D Kaur, GS Aujla, N Kumar, AY Zomaya, C Perera, R Ranjan
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (10), 1985-1998, 2018
Renewable energy-based multi-indexed job classification and container management scheme for sustainability of cloud data centers
N Kumar, GS Aujla, S Garg, K Kaur, R Ranjan, SK Garg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (5), 2947-2957, 2018
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Articles 1–20