An object-oriented model for construction method selection in buildings using fuzzy information M Ebrahiminejad, E Shakeri, A Ardeshir, MHF Zarandi Energy and Buildings 178, 228-241, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
A STUDY OF THE CONCEPT OF DYNAMIC EQUIPMENT IN THE EARTHMOVING PROCESS BY A CONSIDERATION OF TIME, COST AND EMISSIONS M Maghrebi, M Ebrahiminejad, E Shakeri Journal of Green Building 8 (3), 156-165, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
Carbon footprint measurement from the construction phase in Tehran mega-city (Persian) M Ebrahiminejad, E Shakeri, A Ardeshir The 3rd Iraninan conference on air and noise pollution management (AQM2015), 2015 | | 2015 |
ESTABLISHING ABATEMENT ALTERNATIVES IN CONSTRUCTION M Ebrahiminejad, E Shakeri, A Ardeshir 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 163-172, 2014 | | 2014 |
ارزيابي عملکرد شرکتهاي صادرکننده خدمات فني و مهندسي ايران با استفاده از مدل جغرافيايي E Shakeri, M Ebrahiminejad, MT Banki فصلنامه علمي و پژوهشي انجمن مهندسين عمران ايران 33 (زمستان), 2014 | | 2014 |
The evaluation of the level of coordination between Government codes of practice for tendering with the WTO Agreement (Persian) E Shakeri, M Ebrahiminejad, H Rostami 2nd Iranian Conference on Accounting, Financial Management and Investment, 2013 | | 2013 |