Fenghui Ren
Conceptual Design of A Multi-Agent System for Interconnected Power Systems Restoration
F Ren, M Zhang, D Soetanto, XD Su
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 27 (2), 732-740, 2012
A multi-agent solution to distribution system management by considering distributed generators
F Ren, M Zhang, D Sutanto
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 1442-1451, 2012
Emotional multiagent reinforcement learning in spatial social dilemmas
C Yu, M Zhang, F Ren, G Tan
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 26 (12), 3083-3096, 2015
Emergence of social norms through collective learning in networked agent societies
C Yu, M Zhang, F Ren, X Luo
Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2013
Adaptive conceding strategies for automated trading agents in dynamic, open markets
F Ren, M Zhang, KM Sim
Decision Support Systems 46 (3), 704-716, 2009
Multiagent learning of coordination in loosely coupled multiagent systems
C Yu, M Zhang, F Ren, G Tan
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (12), 2853-2867, 2015
Collective learning for the emergence of social norms in networked multiagent systems
C Yu, M Zhang, F Ren
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 44 (12), 2342-2355, 2014
An adaptive bilateral negotiation
C Yu, M Zhang, F Ren
Complex Automated Negotiations: Theories, Models, and Software Competitions …, 2013
Bayesian-based preference prediction in bilateral multi-issue negotiation between intelligent agents
J Zhang, F Ren, M Zhang
Knowledge-Based Systems 84, 108-120, 2015
Bilateral single-issue negotiation model considering nonlinear utility and time constraint
F Ren, M Zhang
Decision Support Systems 60, 29-38, 2014
A single issue negotiation model for agents bargaining in dynamic electronic markets
F Ren, M Zhang
Decision Support Systems 60, 55-67, 2014
A hybrid-learning based broker model for strategic power trading in smart grid markets
X Wang, M Zhang, F Ren
Knowledge-Based Systems 119, 142-151, 2017
Learning customer behaviors for effective load forecasting
X Wang, M Zhang, F Ren
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (5), 938-951, 2018
Modelling adaptive learning behaviours for consensus formation in human societies
C Yu, G Tan, H Lv, Z Wang, J Meng, J Hao, F Ren
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27626, 2016
Hierarchical learning for emergence of social norms in networked multiagent systems
C Yu, H Lv, F Ren, H Bao, J Hao
AI 2015: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 28th Australasian Joint …, 2015
Feasible negotiation procedures for multiple interdependent negotiations
L Niu, F Ren, M Zhang
Gongbroker: A broker model for power trading in smart grid markets
X Wang, M Zhang, F Ren, T Ito
2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2015
An economic model-based matching approach between buyers and sellers through a broker in an open e-marketplace
DT Le, M Zhang, F Ren
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 27, 156-179, 2018
An innovation approach for optimal resource allocation in emergency management
J Zhang, M Zhang, F Ren, J Liu
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2016
A parallel, multi-issue negotiation model in dynamic e-markets
F Ren, M Zhang, X Luo, D Soetanto
AI 2011: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 24th Australasian Joint …, 2011
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