Antonio Perejon
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Cited by
Kinetic analysis of complex solid-state reactions. A new deconvolution procedure
A Perejón, PE Sánchez-Jiménez, JM Criado, LA Pérez-Maqueda
The journal of physical chemistry B 115 (8), 1780-1791, 2011
The Calcium-Looping technology for CO2 capture: On the important roles of energy integration and sorbent behavior
A Perejón, LM Romeo, Y Lara, P Lisbona, A Martínez, JM Valverde
Applied Energy 162, 787-807, 2016
Kinetic model for thermal dehydrochlorination of poly (vinyl chloride)
PE Sánchez-Jiménez, A Perejón, JM Criado, MJ Diánez, ...
Polymer 51 (17), 3998-4007, 2010
Generalized master plots as a straightforward approach for determining the kinetic model: the case of cellulose pyrolysis
PE Sánchez-Jiménez, LA Pérez-Maqueda, A Perejón, JM Criado
Thermochimica acta 552, 54-59, 2013
A new model for the kinetic analysis of thermal degradation of polymers driven by random scission
PE Sánchez-Jiménez, LA Pérez-Maqueda, A Perejón, JM Criado
Polymer degradation and stability 95 (5), 733-739, 2010
Calcium-Looping performance of mechanically modified Al2O3-CaO composites for energy storage and CO2 capture
M Benitez-Guerrero, JM Valverde, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, A Perejon, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 334, 2343-2355, 2018
Large-scale high-temperature solar energy storage using natural minerals
M Benitez-Guerrero, B Sarrion, A Perejon, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 168, 14-21, 2017
Multicycle activity of natural CaCO3 minerals for thermochemical energy storage in Concentrated Solar Power plants
M Benitez-Guerrero, JM Valverde, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, A Perejon, ...
Solar Energy 153, 188-199, 2017
Enhancement of Fast CO2 Capture by a Nano-SiO2/CaO Composite at Ca-Looping Conditions
JM Valverde, A Perejón, LA Perez-Maqueda
Environmental science & technology 46 (11), 6401-6408, 2012
High-performance and low-cost macroporous calcium oxide based materials for thermochemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants
PES Jiménez, A Perejón, MB Guerrero, JM Valverde, C Ortiz, ...
Applied energy 235, 543-552, 2019
Role of calcium looping conditions on the performance of natural and synthetic Ca-based materials for energy storage
B Sarrión, A Perejón, PE Sánchez-Jiménez, LA Pérez-Maqueda, ...
Journal of CO2 Utilization 28, 374-384, 2018
Thermal decomposition of dolomite under CO 2: insights from TGA and in situ XRD analysis
JM Valverde, A Perejon, S Medina, LA Perez-Maqueda
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (44), 30162-30176, 2015
Low-cost Ca-based composites synthesized by biotemplate method for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power
M Benitez-Guerrero, JM Valverde, A Perejon, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, ...
Applied Energy 210, 108-116, 2018
Combined kinetic analysis of thermal degradation of polymeric materials under any thermal pathway
PE Sánchez-Jiménez, LA Pérez-Maqueda, A Perejón, JM Criado
Polymer degradation and stability 94 (11), 2079-2085, 2009
Multicycle CO2 capture activity and fluidizability of Al-based synthesized CaO sorbents
B Azimi, M Tahmasebpoor, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, A Perejon, JM Valverde
Chemical Engineering Journal 358, 679-690, 2019
On the multicycle activity of natural limestone/dolomite for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power
B Sarrion, JM Valverde, A Perejon, L Perez‐Maqueda, ...
Energy Technology 4 (8), 1013-1019, 2016
Phase-pure BiFeO 3 produced by reaction flash-sintering of Bi 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3
E Gil-González, A Perejón, PE Sánchez-Jiménez, MJ Sayagués, R Raj, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (13), 5356-5366, 2018
Generalized kinetic master plots for the thermal degradation of polymers following a random scission mechanism
PE Sánchez-Jiménez, LA Pérez-Maqueda, A Perejón, JM Criado
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (30), 7868-7876, 2010
Nanoclay nucleation effect in the thermal stabilization of a polymer nanocomposite: a kinetic mechanism change
PE Sánchez-Jiménez, LA Pérez-Maqueda, A Perejón, JM Criado
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (21), 11797-11807, 2012
Effect of thermal pretreatment and nanosilica addition on limestone performance at calcium-looping conditions for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power
JM Valverde, M Barea-Lopez, A Perejon, PE Sanchez-Jimenez, ...
Energy & Fuels 31 (4), 4226-4236, 2017
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Articles 1–20