Xiangxiang Zeng
Xiangxiang Zeng
Deparment of Computer Science, Hunan University
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ADMETlab 2.0: an integrated online platform for accurate and comprehensive predictions of ADMET properties
G Xiong, Z Wu, J Yi, L Fu, Z Yang, C Hsieh, M Yin, X Zeng, C Wu, A Lu, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (W1), W5-W14, 2021
deepDR: a network-based deep learning approach to in silico drug repositioning
X Zeng, S Zhu, X Liu, Y Zhou, R Nussinov, F Cheng
Bioinformatics 35 (24), 5191-5198, 2019
A comprehensive overview and evaluation of circular RNA detection tools
X Zeng, W Lin, M Guo, Q Zou
PLoS computational biology 13 (6), e1005420, 2017
Integrative approaches for predicting microRNA function and prioritizing disease-related microRNA using biological interaction networks
X Zeng, X Zhang, Q Zou
Briefings in bioinformatics 17 (2), 193–203, 2016
KGNN: Knowledge Graph Neural Network for Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction
X Lin, Z Quan, ZJ Wang, T Ma, X Zeng
IJCAI, 2020
Inferring microRNA-disease associations by random walk on a heterogeneous network with multiple data sources
Y Liu, X Zeng, Z He, Q Zou
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 14 (4 …, 2017
Target identification among known drugs by deep learning from heterogeneous networks
X Zeng, S Zhu, W Lu, Z Liu, J Huang, Y Zhou, J Fang, Y Huang, H Guo, ...
Chemical Science 11 (7), 1775-1797, 2020
Similarity computation strategies in the microRNA-disease network: a survey
Q Zou, J Li, L Song, X Zeng, G Wang
Briefings in functional genomics 15 (1), 55-64, 2016
Sequence clustering in bioinformatics: an empirical study
Q Zou, G Lin, X Jiang, X Liu, X Zeng
Briefings in bioinformatics 21 (1), 1-10, 2020
Repurpose open data to discover therapeutics for COVID-19 using deep learning
X Zeng, X Song, T Ma, X Pan, Y Zhou, Y Hou, Z Zhang, K Li, G Karypis, ...
Journal of proteome research 19 (11), 4624-4636, 2020
Prediction of potential disease-associated microRNAs using structural perturbation method
X Zeng, L Liu, L Lü, Q Zou
Bioinformatics, bty112, 2018
Prediction and validation of disease genes using HeteSim Scores
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017
Toward better drug discovery with knowledge graph
X Zeng, X Tu, Y Liu, X Fu, Y Su
Current opinion in structural biology 72, 114-126, 2022
Application of deep learning methods in biological networks
S Jin, X Zeng, F Xia, W Huang, X Liu
Briefings in bioinformatics 22 (2), 1902-1917, 2021
nDNA-prot: identification of DNA-binding proteins based on unbalanced classification
L Song, D Li, X Zeng, Y Wu, L Guo, Q Zou
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-10, 2014
Pretata: predicting TATA binding proteins with novel features and dimensionality reduction strategy
Q Zou, S Wan, Y Ju, J Tang, X Zeng
BMC systems biology 10, 401-412, 2016
Deterministic solutions to QSAT and Q3SAT by spiking neural P systems with pre-computed resources
TO Ishdorj, A Leporati, L Pan, X Zeng, X Zhang
Theoretical Computer Science 411 (25), 2345-2358, 2010
Identifying enhancer–promoter interactions with neural network based on pre-trained DNA vectors and attention mechanism
Z Hong, X Zeng, L Wei, X Liu
Bioinformatics 36 (4), 1037-1043, 2020
MUFFIN: multi-scale feature fusion for drug–drug interaction prediction
Y Chen, T Ma, X Yang, J Wang, B Song, X Zeng
Bioinformatics 37 (17), 2651-2658, 2021
Accurate prediction of molecular targets and drug targets using a self-supervised image representation learning framework
X Zeng, H Xiang, L Yu, J Wang, K Li, R Nussinov, F Cheng
Nature Machine Intelligence, 1-11, 2022
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Articles 1–20