Marek Hatala
Marek Hatala
School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University
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Investigating acceptance toward mobile learning to assist individual knowledge management: Based on activity theory approach
SS Liaw, M Hatala, HM Huang
Computers & Education 54 (2), 446-454, 2010
Social presence in online discussions as a process predictor of academic performance
S Joksimović, D Gašević, V Kovanović, BE Riecke, M Hatala
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 31 (6), 638-654, 2015
A qualitative evaluation of evolution of a learning analytics tool
L Ali, M Hatala, D Gašević, J Jovanović
Computers & Education 58 (1), 470-489, 2012
Analytics of communities of inquiry: Effects of learning technology use on cognitive presence in asynchronous online discussions
V Kovanović, D Gašević, S Joksimović, M Hatala, O Adesope
The Internet and Higher Education 27, 74-89, 2015
Learning at distance: Effects of interaction traces on academic achievement
S Joksimović, D Gašević, TM Loughin, V Kovanović, M Hatala
Computers & Education 87, 204-217, 2015
What public media reveals about MOOC s: A systematic analysis of news reports
V Kovanović, S Joksimović, D Gašević, G Siemens, M Hatala
British Journal of Educational Technology 46 (3), 510-527, 2015
Factors influencing beliefs for adoption of a learning analytics tool: An empirical study
L Ali, M Asadi, D Gašević, J Jovanović, M Hatala
Computers & Education 62, 130-148, 2013
Towards automated content analysis of discussion transcripts: A cognitive presence case
V Kovanović, S Joksimović, Z Waters, D Gašević, K Kitto, M Hatala, ...
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on learning analytics …, 2016
Ontology-based user modeling in an augmented audio reality system for museums
M Hatala, R Wakkary
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 15, 339-380, 2005
Penetrating the black box of time-on-task estimation
V Kovanović, D Gašević, S Dawson, S Joksimović, RS Baker, M Hatala
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on learning analytics and …, 2015
Does time-on-task estimation matter? Implications on validity of learning analytics findings
V Kovanovic, D Gašević, S Dawson, S Joksimovic, R Baker
Journal of Learning Analytics 2 (3), 81-110, 2015
Exploring communities of inquiry in massive open online courses
V Kovanović, S Joksimović, O Poquet, T Hennis, I Čukić, P De Vries, ...
Computers & Education 119, 44-58, 2018
Psychological characteristics in cognitive presence of communities of inquiry: A linguistic analysis of online discussions
S Joksimovic, D Gasevic, V Kovanovic, O Adesope, M Hatala
The internet and higher education 22, 1-10, 2014
Using semantic web technologies to analyze learning content
J Jovanovic, D Gasevic, C Brooks, V Devedzic, M Hatala, T Eap, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 11 (5), 45-53, 2007
The interoperability of learning object repositories and services: standards, implementations and lessons learned
M Hatala, G Richards, T Eap, J Willms
Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate …, 2004
Situated play in a tangible interface and adaptive audio museum guide
R Wakkary, M Hatala
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11, 171-191, 2007
Ontology mappings to improve learning resource search
D Gašević, M Hatala
British Journal of Educational Technology 37 (3), 375-389, 2006
Trace-based micro-analytic measurement of self-regulated learning processes
M Siadaty, D Gasevic, M Hatala
Journal of Learning Analytics 3 (1), 183-214, 2016
The evolution of learning object repository technologies: Portals for on-line objects for learning
G Richards, R McGreal, M Hatala, N Friesen
International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue …, 2002
Towards open ontology learning and filtering
A Zouaq, D Gasevic, M Hatala
Information Systems 36 (7), 1064-1081, 2011
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Articles 1–20