Darren C. Peets
Darren C. Peets
Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik, Technische Universität Dresden
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Long-range incommensurate charge fluctuations in (Y, Nd) Ba2Cu3O (6+ x)
G Ghiringhelli, ML Tacon, M Minola, S Blanco-Canosa, C Mazzoli, ...
Science 337 (6096), 821-825, 2012
Fermi Surface and Quasiparticle Excitations of Overdoped
M Platé, JDF Mottershead, IS Elfimov, DC Peets, R Liang, DA Bonn, ...
Physical review letters 95 (7), 077001, 2005
From incommensurate to dispersive spin-fluctuations: The high-energy inelastic spectrum in superconducting
C Stock, WJL Buyers, RA Cowley, PS Clegg, R Coldea, CD Frost, R Liang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (2), 024522, 2005
Dynamic stripes and resonance in the superconducting and normal phases of ortho-II superconductor
C Stock, WJL Buyers, R Liang, D Peets, Z Tun, D Bonn, WN Hardy, ...
Physical Review B 69 (1), 014502, 2004
Dirac surface states and nature of superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric BiPd
Z Sun, M Enayat, A Maldonado, C Lithgow, E Yelland, DC Peets, ...
Nature communications 6, 6633, 2015
Dispersive spin excitations in highly overdoped cuprates revealed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
M Le Tacon, M Minola, DC Peets, M Moretti Sala, S Blanco-Canosa, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (2), 020501, 2013
X-Ray Absorption Spectra Reveal the Inapplicability of the Single-Band Hubbard Model<? format?> to Overdoped Cuprate Superconductors
DC Peets, DG Hawthorn, KM Shen, YJ Kim, DS Ellis, H Zhang, S Komiya, ...
Physical review letters 103 (8), 087402, 2009
Presence of exotic electronic surface states in LaBi and LaSb
XH Niu, DF Xu, YH Bai, Q Song, XP Shen, BP Xie, Z Sun, YB Huang, ...
Physical Review B 94 (16), 165163, 2016
Tl2Ba2CuO6+ δ brings spectroscopic probes deep into the overdoped regime of the high-Tc cuprates
DC Peets, JDF Mottershead, B Wu, IS Elfimov, R Liang, WN Hardy, ...
New Journal of Physics 9 (2), 28, 2007
Resonant elastic soft x-ray scattering in oxygen-ordered YBaCuO
DG Hawthorn, KM Shen, J Geck, DC Peets, H Wadati, J Okamoto, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (7), 075125, 2011
Crystallographic and superconducting properties of the fully gapped noncentrosymmetric 5-electron superconductors CaSi ( =  Ir, Pt)
G Eguchi, DC Peets, M Kriener, Y Maeno, E Nishibori, Y Kumazawa, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (2), 024512, 2011
Doping dependence of the superconducting gap in Tl_2Ba_2CuO_{6+delta} from heat transport
DG Hawthorn, SY Li, M Sutherland, E Boaknin, RW Hill, C Proust, ...
Physical Review B 75 (10), 104518, 2005
Neutron scattering search for static magnetism in oxygen-ordered
C Stock, WJL Buyers, Z Tun, R Liang, D Peets, D Bonn, WN Hardy, ...
Physical Review B 66 (2), 024505, 2002
Effect of the pseudogap on suppressing high energy inelastic neutron scattering in superconducting
C Stock, RA Cowley, WJL Buyers, CD Frost, JW Taylor, D Peets, R Liang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (17), 174505, 2010
Anisotropy of the Superconducting State in
C Rastovski, CD Dewhurst, WJ Gannon, DC Peets, H Takatsu, Y Maeno, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (8), 087003, 2013
Competing Exchange Interactions on the Verge of a Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two-Dimensional Spiral Magnet
JH Kim, A Jain, M Reehuis, G Khaliullin, DC Peets, C Ulrich, JT Park, ...
Physical review letters 113 (14), 147206, 2014
Electron interactions and charge ordering in CuO 2 compounds
B Muschler, W Prestel, L Tassini, R Hackl, M Lambacher, A Erb, S Komiya, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 188, 131-152, 2010
Crossover from collective to incoherent spin excitations in superconducting cuprates probed by detuned resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
M Minola, Y Lu, YY Peng, G Dellea, H Gretarsson, MW Haverkort, Y Ding, ...
Physical review letters 119 (9), 097001, 2017
Electronic structure of studied by LDA and LDA+DMFT calculations and soft x-ray spectroscopy
ZV Pchelkina, AL Pitman, A Moewes, EZ Kurmaev, TY Tan, DC Peets, ...
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115138, 2015
Pair breaking versus symmetry breaking: Origin of the Raman modes in superconducting cuprates
N Munnikes, B Muschler, F Venturini, L Tassini, W Prestel, S Ono, Y Ando, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (14), 144523, 2011
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Articles 1–20