Cheryl Kaiser
Cheryl Kaiser
Professor, Psychology Department, University of Washington
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A theoretical perspective on coping with stigma
CT Miller, CR Kaiser
Journal of social issues 57 (1), 73-92, 2001
Stop complaining! The social costs of making attributions to discrimination
CR Kaiser, CT Miller
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (2), 254-263, 2001
Presumed fair: ironic effects of organizational diversity structures.
CR Kaiser, B Major, I Jurcevic, TL Dover, LM Brady, JR Shapiro
Journal of personality and social psychology 104 (3), 504, 2013
Perceived discrimination as worldview threat or worldview confirmation: implications for self-esteem.
B Major, CR Kaiser, LT O'Brien, SK McCoy
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (6), 1068, 2007
Allies against sexism: The role of men in confronting sexism
BJ Drury, CR Kaiser
Journal of social issues 70 (4), 637-652, 2014
It's not my fault: When and why attributions to prejudice protect self-esteem
B Major, CR Kaiser, SK McCoy
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29 (6), 772-781, 2003
Members of high-status groups are threatened by pro-diversity organizational messages
TL Dover, B Major, CR Kaiser
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 62, 58-67, 2016
Mixed signals: The unintended effects of diversity initiatives
TL Dover, CR Kaiser, B Major
Social Issues and Policy Review 14 (1), 152-181, 2020
Distributing prejudice unequally: Do Whites direct their prejudice toward strongly identified minorities?
CR Kaiser, JS Pratt-Hyatt
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (2), 432, 2009
A social psychological perspective on perceiving and reporting discrimination
CR Kaiser, B Major
Law & Social Inquiry 31 (4), 801-830, 2006
Prejudice expectations moderate preconscious attention to cues that are threatening to social identity
CR Kaiser, SB Vick, B Major
Psychological Science 17 (4), 332-338, 2006
A stress and coping perspective on confronting sexism
CR Kaiser, CT Miller
Psychology of women quarterly 28 (2), 168-178, 2004
Derogating the victim: The interpersonal consequences of blaming events on discrimination
CR Kaiser, CT Miller
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 6 (3), 227-237, 2003
Racial progress as threat to the status hierarchy: Implications for perceptions of anti-White bias
CL Wilkins, CR Kaiser
Psychological science 25 (2), 439-446, 2014
Why are attributions to discrimination interpersonally costly? A test of system-and group-justifying motivations
CR Kaiser, PS Dyrenforth, N Hagiwara
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (11), 1423-1536, 2006
The ironic consequences of Obama’s election: Decreased support for social justice
CR Kaiser, BJ Drury, KE Spalding, S Cheryan, LT O’Brien
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (3), 556-559, 2009
A prospective investigation of the relationship between just-world beliefs and the desire for revenge after September 11, 2001
CR Kaiser, SB Vick, B Major
Psychological Science 15 (7), 503-506, 2004
Expectations about the future and the emotional consequences of perceiving prejudice
CR Kaiser, B Major, SK McCoy
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (2), 173-184, 2004
Bargaining while Black: The role of race in salary negotiations.
M Hernandez, DR Avery, SD Volpone, CR Kaiser
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (4), 581, 2019
Reacting to impending discrimination: Compensation for prejudice and attributions to discrimination
CR Kaiser, CT Miller
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (10), 1357-1367, 2001
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Articles 1–20