Idris Ismail
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Cited by
Tomography for multi-phase flow measurement in the oil industry
I Ismail, JC Gamio, SFA Bukhari, WQ Yang
Flow measurement and instrumentation 16 (2-3), 145-155, 2005
Performance assessment of the metaheuristic optimization algorithms: an exhaustive review
AH Halim, I Ismail, S Das
Artificial Intelligence Review 54 (3), 2323-2409, 2021
Electrical capacitance tomography for gas–solids flow measurement for circulating fluidized beds
S Liu, Q Chen, HG Wang, F Jiang, I Ismail, WQ Yang
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 16 (2-3), 135-144, 2005
Combinatorial optimization: comparison of heuristic algorithms in travelling salesman problem
AH Halim, I Ismail
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 26, 367-380, 2019
Ultra‐wideband antennas for wireless communication applications
T Saeidi, I Ismail, WP Wen, ARH Alhawari, A Mohammadi
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2019 (1), 7918765, 2019
Virtual multiphase flow metering using diverse neural network ensemble and adaptive simulated annealing
TA AL-Qutami, R Ibrahim, I Ismail, MA Ishak
Expert Systems with Applications 93, 72-85, 2018
Electrical load forecasting models for different generation modalities: a review
A Azeem, I Ismail, SM Jameel, VR Harindran
IEEE Access 9, 142239-142263, 2021
Adaptive calibration of a capacitance tomography system for imaging water droplet distribution
WQ Yang, A Chondronasios, S Nattrass, VT Nguyen, M Betting, I Ismail, ...
Flow measurement and Instrumentation 15 (5-6), 249-258, 2004
Applications of metaheuristics in reservoir computing techniques: a review
A Bala, I Ismail, R Ibrahim, SM Sait
IEEE Access 6, 58012-58029, 2018
Development of soft sensor to estimate multiphase flow rates using neural networks and early stopping
TA Al-Qutami, R Ibrahim, I Ismail, MA Ishak
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 10 (1), 1-24, 2017
Reliable fault tolerant-based multipath routing model for industrial wireless control systems
H Abdulrab, FA Hussin, A Abd Aziz, A Awang, I Ismail, PAM Devan
Applied Sciences 12 (2), 544, 2022
An improved grasshopper optimization algorithm based echo state network for predicting faults in airplane engines
A Bala, I Ismail, R Ibrahim, SM Sait, D Oliva
Ieee Access 8, 159773-159789, 2020
Real-time monitoring and measurement of wax deposition in pipelines via non-invasive electrical capacitance tomography
ILS Mei, I Ismail, A Shafquet, B Abdullah
Measurement Science and Technology 27 (2), 025403, 2015
Radial basis function network to predict gas flow rate in multiphase flow
TA AL-Qutami, R Ibrahim, I Ismail, MA Ishak
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on machine learning and …, 2017
Fundamental modeling and simulation of a binary continuous distillation column
HS Truong, I Ismail, R Razali
2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 1-5, 2010
Development of predictive maintenance interface using multiple linear regression
T Abbasi, KH Lim, NS Rosli, I Ismail, R Ibrahim
2018 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced System (ICIAS), 1-5, 2018
Estimation of gas void formation in statically cooled waxy crude oil using online capacitance measurement
A Shafquet, I Ismail, A Japper-Jaafar, SA Sulaiman, GT Chala
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 75, 257-266, 2015
Hybrid neural network and regression tree ensemble pruned by simulated annealing for virtual flow metering application
TA Al-Qutami, R Ibrahim, I Ismail
2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2017
Soil moisture detection using electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) sensor
NBA Karim, IB Ismail
2011 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 83-88, 2011
Adaptive neural network prediction model for energy consumption
MJ Ismail, R Ibrahim, I Ismail
2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development 4 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20