'Chris' Fei Shen
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Cited by
I shield myself from thee: Selective avoidance on social media during political protests
Q Zhu, M Skoric, F Shen
Political Communication 34 (1), 112-131, 2017
Online network size, efficacy, and opinion expression: Assessing the impacts of Internet use in China
F Shen, N Wang, Z Guo, L Guo
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 21 (4), 451-476, 2009
The relationship between government trust and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: Exploring the roles of knowledge and negative emotion
C Min, F Shen, W Yu, Y Chu
Preventive medicine 141, 106288, 2020
The last refuge of media persuasion: News use, national pride and political trust in China
F Shen, ZS Guo
Asian Journal of Communication 23 (2), 135-151, 2013
Exposure, attention, or “use” of news? Assessing aspects of the reliability and validity of a central concept in political communication research
WP Eveland Jr, MJ Hutchens, F Shen
Communication Methods and Measures 3 (4), 223-244, 2009
Exemplifying a Dispositional Approach to Cross-Cultural Spiral of Silence Research: Fear of Social Isolation and the Inclination to Self-Censor
J Matthes, AF Hayes, H Rojas, F Shen, SJ Min, IB Dylko
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 24 (3), 287-305, 2012
Privacy protection and self-disclosure across societies: A study of global Twitter users
H Liang, F Shen, K Fu
new media & society 19 (9), 1476-1497, 2017
Exploring the impacts of media use and media trust on health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in China
Y Wu, F Shen
Journal of health psychology 27 (6), 1445-1461, 2022
Examining the roles of social media and alternative media in social movement participation: A study of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement
F Shen, C Xia, M Skoric
Telematics and Informatics 47, 101303, 2020
The impact of news use and news content characteristics on political knowledge and participation
YI Liu, F Shen, WP Eveland, I Dylko
Mass Communication and Society 16 (5), 713-737, 2013
Political participation in Hong Kong: The roles of news media and online alternative media
XIA Chuanli, S Fei
International Journal of Communication 12, 1569-1590, 2018
Mass media, new technology, and ideology: An analysis of political trends in China
Y Lu, Y Chu, F Shen
Global Media and China 1 (1-2), 70-101, 2016
Social credit system in China
CF Shen
City University of Hong Kong 23, 30, 2019
Testing the intramedia interaction hypothesis: The contingent effects of news
F Shen, WP Eveland Jr
Journal of Communication 60 (2), 364-387, 2010
Cultural difference, social values, or political systems? Predicting willingness to engage in online political discussion in 75 societies
F Shen, H Liang
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27 (1), 111-124, 2015
Message, perception, and the Beijing Olympics: Impact of differential media exposure on perceived opinion diversity
N Wang, Z Guo, F Shen
Communication Research 38 (3), 422-445, 2011
Chinese Investigative Journalists' Dreams: Autonomy, Agency, and Voice
M Svensson, E Sæther, Z Zhang
Lexington Books, 2013
An economic theory of political communication effects: How the economy conditions political learning
F Shen
Communication Theory 19 (4), 374-396, 2009
Negativity makes us polarized: A longitudinal study of media tone and opinion polarization in Hong Kong
Y Wu, F Shen
Asian Journal of Communication 30 (3-4), 199-220, 2020
Internet use, freedom supply, and demand for internet freedom: A cross-national study of 20 countries
F Shen
International journal of communication 11, 22, 2017
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Articles 1–20