Xin Zhou
Xin Zhou
在 zju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Swarm of micro flying robots in the wild
X Zhou, X Wen, Z Wang, Y Gao, H Li, Q Wang, T Yang, H Lu, Y Cao, C Xu, ...
Science Robotics 7 (66), eabm5954, 2022
Ego-planner: An esdf-free gradient-based local planner for quadrotors
X Zhou, Z Wang, H Ye, C Xu, F Gao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 478-485, 2020
Geometrically constrained trajectory optimization for multicopters
Z Wang, X Zhou, C Xu, F Gao
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (5), 3259-3278, 2022
EGO-Swarm: A Fully Autonomous and Decentralized Quadrotor Swarm System in Cluttered Environments
X Zhou, J Zhu, H Zhou, C Xu, F Gao
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4101-4107, 2021
Teach-repeat-replan: A complete and robust system for aggressive flight in complex environments
F Gao, L Wang, B Zhou, X Zhou, J Pan, S Shen
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 36 (5), 1526-1545, 2020
Tgk-planner: An efficient topology guided kinodynamic planner for autonomous quadrotors
H Ye, X Zhou, Z Wang, C Xu, J Chu, F Gao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 494-501, 2020
Alternating minimization based trajectory generation for quadrotor aggressive flight
Z Wang, X Zhou, C Xu, J Chu, F Gao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 4836-4843, 2020
Cmpcc: Corridor-based model predictive contouring control for aggressive drone flight
J Ji, X Zhou, C Xu, F Gao
Experimental Robotics: The 17th International Symposium, 37-46, 2021
Decentralized spatial-temporal trajectory planning for multicopter swarms
X Zhou, Z Wang, X Wen, J Zhu, C Xu, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.12481, 2021
Robust and efficient trajectory planning for formation flight in dense environments
L Quan, L Yin, T Zhang, M Wang, R Wang, S Zhong, X Zhou, Y Cao, C Xu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2023
Unmanned aerial vehicle mediated drug delivery for first aid
T Sheng, R Jin, C Yang, K Qiu, M Wang, J Shi, J Zhang, Y Gao, Q Wu, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (10), 2208648, 2023
Enhanced decentralized autonomous aerial robot teams with group planning
J Hou, X Zhou, Z Gan, F Gao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 9240-9247, 2022
Enhanced decentralized autonomous aerial swarm with group planning
J Hou, X Zhou, Z Gan, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.01069, 2022
Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Quadrotor Trajectory Planning
X Zhou, C Xu, F Gao
IROS 2022 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06176), 2022
FACT: Fast and Active Coordinate Initialization for Vision-based Drone Swarms
Y Li, A Zhao, Y Wang, Z Xu, X Zhou, J Zhou, C Xu, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.13455, 2024
Preserving Relative Localization of FoV-Limited Drone Swarm via Active Mutual Observation
L Guo, Z Gongye, Z Xu, Y Wang, X Zhou, J Zhou, F Gao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.01292, 2024
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