Xian-Huan Wen
Xian-Huan Wen
Chevron Technical Center
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Upscaling hydraulic conductivities in heterogeneous media: An overview
XH Wen, JJ Gómez-Hernández
Journal of hydrology 183 (1-2), ix-xxxii, 1996
A coupled local–global upscaling approach for simulating flow in highly heterogeneous formations
Y Chen, LJ Durlofsky, M Gerritsen, XH Wen
Advances in water resources 26 (10), 1041-1060, 2003
To be or not to be multi-Gaussian? A reflection on stochastic hydrogeology
JJ Gómez-Hernández, XH Wen
Advances in Water Resources 21 (1), 47-61, 1998
Real-time reservoir model updating using ensemble Kalman filter with confirming option
XH Wen, WH Chen
Spe Journal 11 (04), 431-442, 2006
Computing permeability of fault zones in eolian sandstone from outcrop measurements
H Jourde, EA Flodin, A Aydin, LJ Durlofsky, XH Wen
AAPG bulletin 86 (7), 2002
Use of border regions for improved permeability upscaling
XH Wen, LJ Durlofsky, MG Edwards
Mathematical Geology 35, 521-547, 2003
Numerical modeling of macrodispersion in heterogeneous media: a comparison of multi-Gaussian and non-multi-Gaussian models
XH Wen, JJ Gómez-Hernández
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 30 (1-2), 129-156, 1998
Analysis of nonlinear effects on tracer migration in heterogeneous aquifers using Lagrangian travel time statistics
V Cvetkovic, H Cheng, XH Wen
Water resources research 32 (6), 1671-1680, 1996
Some practical issues on real-time reservoir model updating using ensemble Kalman filter
XH Wen, WH Chen
SPE Journal 12 (02), 156-166, 2007
High-resolution reservoir models integrating multiple-well production data
XH Wen, CV Deutsch, AS Cullick
SPE Journal 3 (04), 344-355, 1998
Upscaling of channel systems in two dimensions using flow-based grids
XH Wen, LJ Durlofsky, MG Edwards
Transport in Porous Media 51, 343-366, 2003
Field experiences with assisted and automatic history matching using streamline models
H Cheng, XH Wen, WJ Milliken, A Datta-Gupta
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-89857-MS, 2004
Construction of geostatistical aquifer models integrating dynamic flow and tracer data using inverse technique
XH Wen, CV Deutsch, AS Cullick
Journal of Hydrology 255 (1-4), 151-168, 2002
Efficient 3D implementation of local-global upscaling for reservoir simulation
XH Wen, Y Chen, LJ Durlofsky
Spe Journal 11 (04), 443-453, 2006
Efficient conditioning of 3D fine-scale reservoir model to multiphase production data using streamline-based coarse-scale inversion and geostatistical downscaling
TT Tran, XH Wen, RA Behrens
SPE Journal 6 (04), 364-374, 2001
Method, system and apparatus for real-time reservoir model updating using ensemble kalman filter
XH Wen, WH Chen
US Patent 7,584,081, 2009
The constant displacement scheme for tracking particles in heterogeneous aquifers
XH Wen, JJ Gómez‐Hernández
Groundwater 34 (1), 135-142, 1996
Probabilistic assessment of travel times in groundwater modeling
JJ Gómez-Hernández, XH Wen
Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 8, 19-55, 1994
A program to create permeability fields that honor single-phase flow rate and pressure data
XH Wen, JE Capilla, CV Deutsch, JJ Gómez-Hernández, AS Cullick
Computers & Geosciences 25 (3), 217-230, 1999
Implementation of physics-based data-driven models with a commercial simulator
G Ren, J He, Z Wang, RM Younis, XH Wen
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D010S017R010, 2019
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Articles 1–20