Carolina Inostroza
Carolina Inostroza
Universidad de Conceción
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Propiedades psicométricas del PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire) en centros de atención primaria de Chile
S Saldivia, J Aslan, F Cova, B Vicente, C Inostroza, P Rincón
Revista médica de Chile 147 (1), 53-60, 2019
Psychometric properties of the patient health questionnaire-9 in elderly Chilean primary care users
J Aslan, F Cova, S Saldivia, C Bustos, C Inostroza, P Rincón, C Ortiz, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 11, 555011, 2020
Promoción y prevención en salud mental:¿ esperanza fundada, vana ilusión o contrabando psicopatologizador?
FC Solar, PG Fernández, SS Borquez, CI Rovegno, CN Rivera
Papeles del psicólogo 40 (3), 211-216, 2019
Effectiveness of a positive parental practices training program for Chilean preschoolers’ families: a randomized controlled trial
P Rincón, F Cova, S Saldivia, C Bustos, P Grandón, C Inostroza, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1751, 2018
Inventario de Conductas Infantiles en preescolares: Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Conductas Infantiles (CBCL/1.5-5) y del Informe del Cuidador/Educador (C-TRF) en …
F Cova, C Bustos, P Rincón, P Grandón, S Saldivia, C Inostroza
Terapia psicológica 34 (3), 191-198, 2016
Desesperanza y afrontamiento centrado en la tarea median la relación entre sintomatología depresiva y conducta suicida no letal en pacientes de salud mental
C Inostroza, F Cova, C Bustos, Y Quijada
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría 53 (4), 231-240, 2015
Randomized cluster trial of a parenting program in Chile: Key mediators in the decrease in behavior problems in preschool children
F Cova, P Rincón, C Bustos, D Streiner, M King, S Saldivia, C Inostroza, ...
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry 25 (2), 320-332, 2020
Adaptive reflection on negative emotional experiences: Convergences and divergence between the processing-mode theory and the theory of self-distancing reflection
F Cova, F Garcia, C Oyanadel, L Villagran, D Páez, C Inostroza
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1943, 2019
Psychometric characteristics of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
S Saldivia, J Aslan, F Cova, B Vicente, C Inostroza, P Rincón
Revista médica de Chile 147 (1), 53-60, 2019
Psychometric properties of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire adapted to families of chilean preschoolers
F Cova, C Bustos, P Rincón, DL Streiner, P Grandón, S Saldivia, ...
Infant mental health journal 38 (2), 249-257, 2017
Factores asociados prospectivamente a sintomatología depresiva en adolescentes tempranos de sexo femenino
F Cova, P RinCón, C Inostroza, R Melipillán
Universitas Psychologica 11 (3), 853-862, 2012
Propiedades psicométricas de una forma breve del Cuestionario de Parentalidad Alabama en familias de preescolares Chilenos
F Cova, C Bustos, P Rincón, P Grandón, S Saldivia, C Inostroza
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación-e Avaliação Psicológica 2 …, 2019
Effectiveness of a group-based psychosocial program to prevent depression and anxiety in older people attending primary health care centres: a randomised controlled trial
S Saldivia, C Inostroza, C Bustos, P Rincón, J Aslan, V Bühring, ...
BMC geriatrics 19, 1-8, 2019
Predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms following occupational accidents: A longitudinal study
FE García, C Vázquez, C Inostroza
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 32 (2), 168-178, 2019
Mental disorders in the media: A retrospective study of newspaper coverage in the Chilean Press
P Grandón, D Fernandez Vega, AA Sanchez Onate, AV Vielma Aguilera, ...
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 68 (7), 1351-1362, 2022
Conducta suicida y violencia contra la mujer: estudio en universitarias y consultantes de salud mental chilenas.
C Inostroza, F Cova, M Laura Ballesteros
Revista Punto Género, 2022
Infusing the trauma-informed approach in youth suicide research: Lessons from the field.
Y Quijada, C Inostroza, P Vaccari, J Riese, C Hausmann-Stabile
American journal of orthopsychiatry 91 (5), 579, 2021
Effectiveness of behavioral family therapy in people with schizophrenia: a randomized, controlled clinical trial
DA Vidal Gutiérrez, S Saldivia, P Grandón Fernández, ...
Salud mental 42 (2), 65-74, 2019
Procesos psicologicos de riesgo de intento suicida en usuarios de servicios de salud mental de nivel especializado de la Provincia de Concepción
Universidad de Concepción, 2016
Life satisfaction, positive affect, depression and anxiety symptoms, and their relationship with sociodemographic, psychosocial, and clinical variables in a general elderly …
S Saldivia, J Aslan, F Cova, C Bustos, C Inostroza, A Castillo-Carreño
Frontiers in psychiatry 14, 1203590, 2023
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