Vadim Navotny
Vadim Navotny
Physical-Technical Institute
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Scaled-factorial-moment analysis of 200A-GeV sulfur+gold interactions
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, ZV Ameeva, NP Andreeva, ...
Physical review letters 65 (4), 412, 1990
Limiting fragmentation in oxygen-induced emulsion interactions at 14.6, 60, and 200 GeV/nucleon
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, R Arora, YA Alexandrov, SA Azimov, ...
Physical Review Letters 62 (24), 2801, 1989
Scaling properties of charged particle multiplicity distributions in oxygen induced emulsion interactions at 14.6, 60 and 200 A GeV
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, R Arora, YA Alexandrov, SA Azimov, ...
Physics Letters B 223 (2), 262-266, 1989
A study of inelastic pion-nucleus interactions at 200 GeV/c in an emulsion
ZV Anzon, IY Chasnikov, AS Gaitinov, LE Eremina, EG Kanygina, ...
Nuclear Physics B 129 (2), 205-231, 1977
Fragmentation and multifragmentation of 10.6 A GeV gold nuclei: The EMU-01 Collaboration
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, R Amirikas, NP Andreeva, ...
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 5, 429-440, 1999
On the systematic behaviour of the intermittency-induces in nuclear interactions
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, NP Andreeva, ZV Anson, ...
Physics Letters,(Section) B;(Netherlands) 263 (3/4), 1991
On the jet-like and ring-like substructure in distributions of produced particles in central heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies
MI Adamovich, NG Peresadko, NS Saidkhanov, E Stenlund, ZI Solovieva, ...
J. Phys. G 19 (LUNFD-6-NFFK-7137), 2035-2044, 1993
Slow, target associated particles produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion interactions
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, NP Andreeva, ZV Anson, ...
Physics Letters B 262 (2-3), 369-374, 1991
Rapidity densities and their fluctuations in central 200 A GeV 32S interactions with Au and Ag, Br nuclei EMU01 collaboration
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, NP Andreeva, ZV Anson, ZV Ameeva, ...
Physics Letters B 227 (2), 285-290, 1989
Charged particle density distributions in Au induced interactions with emulsion nuclei at 10.7 A GeV
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, R Amirikas, NP Andreeva, ...
Physics Letters B 352 (3-4), 472-478, 1995
Multifragmentation of Gold nuclei in the interactions with photoemulsion nuclei at 10.7 GeV/nucleon
Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei 359, 277-290, 1997
Fragmentation of relativistic 56Fe nuclei in emulsion
GM Chernov, KG Gulamov, UG Gulyamov, VS Navotny, NV Petrov, ...
Nuclear Physics A 412 (3), 534-550, 1984
On intermittency in heavy-ion collisions and the importance of γ-conversion in a multi-dimensional intermittency analysis
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, NP Andreeva, ZV Anzon, ...
Nuclear Physics B 388 (1), 3-30, 1992
Local particle densities and global multiplicities in central heavy ion interactions at 3.7, 14.6, 60 and 200A GeV
EMU01-Collaboration, MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 56, 509-520, 1992
Charged-particle multiplicity and angular distributions in proton-emulsion interactions at 800 GeV
A Abduzhamilov, L Barbier, LP Chernova, MM Chernyavsky, ...
Physical Review D 35 (11), 3537, 1987
Produced particle multiplicity dependence on centrality in nucleus-nucleus collisions
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, R Amirikas, NP Andreeva, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 22 (10), 1469, 1996
Relative Information Entropy of Particle Production in High-Energy Induced Nuclear Reactions
EMU01 Collaboration
Chinese Physics C 18 (Z1), 61-68, 1994
Energy, target, projectile and multiplicity dependences of intermittency behaviour in high energy O (Si, S) induced interactions
EMU01 Collaboration, MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 49, 395-399, 1991
Rapidity density distributions in , , , , and induced heavy-ion interactions at 4A–200A GeV
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, NP Andreeva, ZV Anzon, ...
Physical review letters 69 (5), 745, 1992
Critical behaviour in Au fragmentation at 10.7 A GeV
MI Adamovich, MM Aggarwal, YA Alexandrov, R Amirikas, NP Andreeva, ...
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 1, 77-83, 1998
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Articles 1–20