Cheng-Lin Liu
Cited by
Cited by
Dense trajectories and motion boundary descriptors for action recognition
H Wang, A Kläser, C Schmid, CL Liu
International journal of computer vision 103, 60-79, 2013
Handwritten digit recognition: benchmarking of state-of-the-art techniques
CL Liu, K Nakashima, H Sako, H Fujisawa
Pattern recognition 36 (10), 2271-2285, 2003
Vehicle detection in satellite images by hybrid deep convolutional neural networks
X Chen, S Xiang, CL Liu, CH Pan
IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters 11 (10), 1797-1801, 2014
Practical block-wise neural network architecture generation
Z Zhong, J Yan, W Wu, J Shao, CL Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Character recognition systems: a guide for students and practioners
M Cheriet, N Kharma, CL Liu, CY Suen
Wiley-Blackwell, 2007
CASIA online and offline Chinese handwriting databases
CL Liu, F Yin, DH Wang, QF Wang
2011 international conference on document analysis and recognition, 37-41, 2011
A hybrid approach to detect and localize texts in natural scene images
YF Pan, X Hou, CL Liu
IEEE transactions on image processing 20 (3), 800-813, 2010
Icdar2017 robust reading challenge on multi-lingual scene text detection and script identification-rrc-mlt
N Nayef, F Yin, I Bizid, H Choi, Y Feng, D Karatzas, Z Luo, U Pal, ...
2017 14th IAPR international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2017
Deep direct regression for multi-oriented scene text detection
W He, XY Zhang, F Yin, CL Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 745-753, 2017
Robust classification with convolutional prototype learning
HM Yang, XY Zhang, F Yin, CL Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
'Online recognition of Chinese characters: the state-of-the-art
CL Liu, S Jaeger, M Nakagawa
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (2), 198-213, 2004
Prototype augmentation and self-supervision for incremental learning
F Zhu, XY Zhang, C Wang, F Yin, CL Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
ICDAR 2013 Chinese handwriting recognition competition
F Yin, QF Wang, XY Zhang, CL Liu
2013 12th international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2013
Handwritten digit recognition: investigation of normalization and feature extraction techniques
CL Liu, K Nakashima, H Sako, H Fujisawa
Pattern Recognition 37 (2), 265-279, 2004
Drawing and recognizing chinese characters with recurrent neural network
XY Zhang, F Yin, YM Zhang, CL Liu, Y Bengio
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40 (4), 849-862, 2017
Semantic expansion using word embedding clustering and convolutional neural network for improving short text classification
P Wang, B Xu, J Xu, G Tian, CL Liu, H Hao
Neurocomputing 174, 806-814, 2016
Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: benchmarking on new databases
CL Liu, F Yin, DH Wang, QF Wang
Pattern Recognition 46 (1), 155-162, 2013
Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: A comprehensive study and new benchmark
XY Zhang, Y Bengio, CL Liu
Pattern Recognition 61, 348-360, 2017
Multisource transfer learning for cross-subject EEG emotion recognition
J Li, S Qiu, YY Shen, CL Liu, H He
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (7), 3281-3293, 2019
Icdar2019 robust reading challenge on multi-lingual scene text detection and recognition—rrc-mlt-2019
N Nayef, Y Patel, M Busta, PN Chowdhury, D Karatzas, W Khlif, J Matas, ...
2019 International conference on document analysis and recognition (ICDAR …, 2019
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Articles 1–20