Jeff Candy
Jeff Candy
Director, Theory and Computational Sciences, General Atomics
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Cited by
An eulerian gyrokinetic-maxwell solver
J Candy, RE Waltz
Journal of Computational Physics 186 (2), 545-581, 2003
Kinetic calculation of neoclassical transport including self-consistent electron and impurity dynamics
EA Belli, J Candy
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (9), 095010, 2008
Integrated modeling applications for tokamak experiments with OMFIT
O Meneghini, SP Smith, LL Lao, O Izacard, Q Ren, JM Park, J Candy, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (8), 083008, 2015
Anomalous transport scaling in the DIII-D tokamak matched by supercomputer simulation
J Candy, RE Waltz
Physical review letters 91 (4), 045001, 2003
A symplectic integration algorithm for separable Hamiltonian functions
J Candy, W Rozmus
Journal of Computational Physics 92 (1), 230-256, 1991
The HAGIS self-consistent nonlinear wave-particle interaction model
SD Pinches, LC Appel, J Candy, SE Sharapov, HL Berk, D Borba, ...
Computer Physics Communications 111 (1-3), 133-149, 1998
Tokamak profile prediction using direct gyrokinetic and neoclassical simulation
J Candy, C Holland, RE Waltz, MR Fahey, E Belli
Physics of Plasmas 16 (6), 2009
A high-accuracy Eulerian gyrokinetic solver for collisional plasmas
J Candy, EA Belli, RV Bravenec
Journal of Computational Physics 324, 73-93, 2016
Full linearized Fokker–Planck collisions in neoclassical transport simulations
EA Belli, J Candy
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 54 (1), 015015, 2011
Spontaneous hole–clump pair creation
HL Berk, BN Breizman, J Candy, M Pekker, NV Petviashvili
Physics of Plasmas 6 (8), 3102-3113, 1999
Electromagnetic transport from microtearing mode turbulence
W Guttenfelder, J Candy, SM Kaye, WM Nevins, E Wang, RE Bell, ...
Physical review letters 106 (15), 155004, 2011
ITER predictions using the GYRO verified and experimentally validated trapped gyro-Landau fluid transport model
JE Kinsey, GM Staebler, J Candy, RE Waltz, RV Budny
Nuclear Fusion 51 (8), 083001, 2011
Implementation and application of two synthetic diagnostics for validating simulations of core tokamak turbulence
C Holland, AE White, GR McKee, MW Shafer, J Candy, RE Waltz, ...
Physics of Plasmas 16 (5), 2009
Multi-scale gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak plasmas: enhanced heat loss due to cross-scale coupling of plasma turbulence
NT Howard, C Holland, AE White, M Greenwald, J Candy
Nuclear Fusion 56 (1), 014004, 2015
Symplectic integrators for long-term integrations in celestial mechanics
B Gladman, M Duncan, J Candy
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 52, 221-240, 1991
Beta scaling of transport in microturbulence simulations
J Candy
Physics of Plasmas 12 (7), 2005
New edge coherent mode providing continuous transport in long-pulse h-mode plasmas
HQ Wang, GS Xu, BN Wan, SY Ding, HY Guo, LM Shao, SC Liu, XQ Xu, ...
Physical review letters 112 (18), 185004, 2014
Measurements of core electron temperature and density fluctuations in DIII-D and comparison to nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations
AE White, L Schmitz, GR McKee, C Holland, WA Peebles, TA Carter, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
Self-consistent core-pedestal transport simulations with neural network accelerated models
O Meneghini, SP Smith, PB Snyder, GM Staebler, J Candy, E Belli, L Lao, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (8), 086034, 2017
The local limit of global gyrokinetic simulations
J Candy, RE Waltz, W Dorland
Physics of Plasmas 11 (5), L25-L28, 2004
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Articles 1–20