Alva S. A. Supit
Alva S. A. Supit
Manado State University Indonesia
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Cited by
Pulling habits out of rats: Adenosine 2A receptor antagonism in dorsomedial striatum rescues meth‐amphetamine‐induced deficits in goal‐directed action
TM Furlong, ASA Supit, LH Corbit, S Killcross, BW Balleine
Addiction biology 22 (1), 172-183, 2017
Mikroplastik sebagai kontaminan anyar dan efek toksiknya terhadap kesehatan
A Supit, L Tompodung, S Kumaat
Jurnal Kesehatan 13 (1), 199-208, 2022
Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Sikap Dalam Mencegah Hipertensi Pada Siswa Kelas XI Dan XII SMK Kristen Kawangkoan
M Pangaila, A Paturusi, A Supit
Epidemia: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Unima, 23-29, 2020
Later Chronotype Correlates With Severe Depression in Indonesian College Students
A Supit, M Gosal, P Mamuaja, S Kumaat, A Paturusi
Sleep Medicine Research 12 (2), 12(2): 133-139, 2021
Ketergantungan Nikotin: Aspek Molekuler dan Implikasi Terapi Berbasis Bukti
A Supit
Continung Medical Education 43 (4), 267-273, 2016
A school-university collaboration to promote school health and physical education in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
A Supit, T Mautang, M Pangemanan
Christian Journal for Global Health 10 (1), 43-46, 2023
MLL5 is involved in retinal photoreceptor maturation through facilitating CRX-mediated photoreceptor gene transactivation
X Zhang, BW Zhang, L Xiang, H Wu, SAS Alexander, P Zhou, MZY Dai, ...
Iscience 25 (4), 2022
Alcohol consumption among college students in Minahasa, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study towards the formulation of intervention strategies
A Supit, P Mamuaja, A Pissu
Int J Community Med Public Health 4 (12), 4630-4637, 2017
Improving the Function of CRISPR-CAS9 for Genome Editing Therapy: Editing The Editor
ASA Supit
Jurnal Bioteknologi Dan Biosains Indonesia 4 (1), 44-51, 2017
Hubungan antara sudut telapak kaki berdasarkan Clarke dengan hasil lompat tegak mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Manado
JB Kawengian, A Supit
Jurnal Vini Vidi Vici 1 (3), 2013
Tolerance to gratification as a proxy for corruption: Comparison between Indonesia and Hong Kong
A Supit, B Lau, P Cheng
Integritas: Jurnal Antikorupsi 9 (2), 147-156, 2023
An original meaning of Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou in post-independence war Indonesia: A first-hand experience of Sam Ratulangi’s oldest daughter
A Supit, EA Pangalila-Ratulangie
Tumou Tou 9 (1), 30-35, 2022
Translational pause: a realm of molecular biology to understand misfolding-protein diseases
A Supit
Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research 21, 49-54, 2020
Subgenual cingulate cortex activity in predicting risk factor and treatment response in depression
ASA Supit, I Roosdy
WMJ (Warmadewa Medical Journal) 3 (2), 53-60, 2018
Differences in physical activity based on individual characteristics in south minahasa society
IWGS Suarjana, S Sudirham, JE Manopo, LL Pongoh, ASA Supit
Altius: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga dan Kesehatan 12 (2), 414-426, 2023
Teori Biokimia
FSA Nugraheni, M Agil, MU Hidayah, A Supit, L Salmitha, ES Rumaseuw
Yayasan Muhammad Zaini, 2023
Motivasi, tantangan, dan mekanisme koping pekerja migran perempuan asal Sulawesi Utara di Hong Kong: Tulang rusuk yang menjadi tulang punggung
A Supit, M Chan
JPAI: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak Indonesia 3 (2), 1-8, 2022
The church, food culture, and ecotheology: An ongoing church effort in reducing bushmeat eating in Minahasa, Indonesia
A Supit, A Telew, N Bawiling
Christian Journal for Global Health 8 (1), 64-68, 2021
The development of a safe and optimized gene therapy for human diseases
A Supit, L Tompodung
JURNAL BIOSAINS 5 (3), 121-128, 2019
Pulling habits out of rats: adenosine 2A receptor antagonism in dorsomedial striatum rescues meth-amphetamine-induced deficits in goal-directed action
B Balleine, L Corbit, T Furlong, A Supit, S Killcross
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2017
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Articles 1–20