Yiming Ma
Cited by
Cited by
A method for broadband full-duplex MIMO radio
Y Hua, P Liang, Y Ma, AC Cirik, Q Gao
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (12), 793-796, 2012
Radio self-interference cancellation by transmit beamforming, all-analog cancellation and blind digital tuning
Y Hua, Y Ma, A Gholian, Y Li, AC Cirik, P Liang
Signal Processing 108, 322-340, 2015
Beamforming in a MU-MIMO wireless communication system with relays
P Liang, D Zhu, B Li, Y Ma
US Patent 9,917,628, 2018
Breaking the barrier of transmission noise in full-duplex radio
Y Hua, Y Ma, P Liang, A Cirik
MILCOM 2013-2013 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1558-1563, 2013
A novel shape feature to classify microcalcifications
Y Ma, PC Tay, RD Adams, JZ Zhang
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2265-2268, 2010
A numerical investigation of all-analog radio self-interference cancellation
A Gholian, Y Ma, Y Hua
2014 IEEE 15th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2014
A dual-phase power allocation scheme for multicarrier relay system with direct link
Y Ma, A Liu, Y Hua
IEEE transactions on signal processing 62 (1), 5-16, 2013
Beamforming in a MU-MIMO wireless communication system with relays
P Liang, D Zhu, B Li, Y Ma
US Patent 10,797,776, 2020
On MAC-BC duality of multihop MIMO relay channel with imperfect channel knowledge
AC Cirik, Y Rong, Y Ma, Y Hua
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (10), 5839-5854, 2014
Channel Estimation Error and Beamforming Performance in Repeater-Enhanced Massive MIMO Systems
Y Ma, D Zhu, B Li, P Liang
PIMRC2015 Fundamentals & PHY, 2015
Beamforming in a MU-MIMO wireless communication system with relays
P Liang, D Zhu, B Li, Y Ma
US Patent 11,012,136, 2021
A novel microcalcification shape metric to classify regions of interests
PC Tay, Y Ma
2010 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis & Interpretation (SSIAI …, 2010
Ultrasound despeckling for active contour segmentation
Y Ma, PC Tay
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3357-3360, 2009
Symmetric and full duplex relay in wireless systems
P Liang, J Shen, Y Ma, LY Zhang
US Patent 10,707,948, 2020
Splitting source power for a multicarrier relay system with direct link
Y Ma, Y Hua
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1253-1257, 2013
Radio Self-Interference Cancellation by Transmit Beamforming, All-Analog
Y Ma, Y Hua, A Gholian
A Theoretical Development of a Multicarrier Wireless Relay System and a Practical Exploration of Full-Duplex Radio Communication
Y Ma
University of California, Riverside, 2014
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Articles 1–17