Cleophas Achisa Mecha
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Cited by
Recent trends in applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in bioenergy production: Review
MMM Arimi, CA Mecha, AK Kiprop, R Ramkat
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 121 (109669), 2020
Photocatalytic ozonation of wastewater: a review
AC Mecha, MN Chollom
Environmental Chemistry Letters 18 (5), 1491-1507, 2020
Synergistic effect of UV¡Vvis and solar photocatalytic ozonation on the degradation of phenol in municipal wastewater: A comparative study
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, CJS Fourie, MNB Momba
Journal of Catalysis 341, 116-125, 2016
Development and evaluation of woven fabric microfiltration membranes impregnated with silver nanoparticles for potable water treatment
CA Mecha, VL Pillay
Journal of Membrane Science 458, 149-156, 2014
Ultraviolet and solar photocatalytic ozonation of municipal wastewater: Catalyst reuse, energy requirements and toxicity assessment
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, MNB Momba
Chemosphere 186, 669-676, 2017
Evaluation of synergy and bacterial regrowth in photocatalytic ozonation disinfection of municipal wastewater
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, MNB Momba
Science of the Total Environment 601, 626-635, 2017
Impact of ozonation in removing organic micro-pollutants in primary and secondary municipal wastewater: effect of process parameters
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, MNB Momba
Water Science and Technology 74 (3), 756-765, 2016
UV and solar light photocatalytic removal of organic contaminants in municipal wastewater
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, TS Jamil, CJS Fourie, MNB Momba
Separation Science and Technology 51 (10), 1765-1778, 2016
UV and solar photocatalytic disinfection of municipal wastewater: inactivation, reactivation and regrowth of bacterial pathogens
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, MNB Momba
International journal of environmental science and technology 16, 3687-3696, 2019
Characterization of kitchen and municipal organic waste for biogas production: Effect of parameters
M Register, AC Mecha, J Kiplagat
Heliyon, 2023
Current trends in palm oil waste management: A comparative review of Cameroon and Malaysia
ET Awoh, J Kiplagat, SK Kimutai, AC Mecha
Heliyon, 2023
Potential of wood ash in purification of biogas
E Mulu, MM M'Arimi, RC Ramkat, AC Mecha
Energy for Sustainable Development 65, 45-52, 2021
Modelling inactivation kinetics of waterborne pathogens in municipal wastewater using ozone
AC Mecha, MS Onyango, A Ochieng, MNB Momba
Environmental Engineering Research 25 (6), 890-897, 2020
Effect of TiO2/Fe2O3 nanopowder synthesis method on visible light photocatalytic degradation of reactive blue dye
ZA Suliman, AC Mecha, JI Mwasiagi
Heliyon 10 (8), 2024
Optimization, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity of Copper Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Senna didymobotrya Root Extract
BO Sadia, JK Cherutoi, CM Achisa
Journal of Nanotechnology 2021 (1), 5611434, 2021
Versatile silver-nanoparticle-impregnated membranes for water treatment: A review
AC Mecha, MN Chollom, BF Babatunde, EK Tetteh, S Rathilal
Membranes 13 (4), 432, 2023
Applications of reverse and forward osmosis processes in wastewater treatment: evaluation of membrane fouling
AC Mecha
Osmotically Driven Membrane Processes-Approach, Development and Current Status, 2018
Dyeing of cotton fabric with Euclea divinorum extract using response surface optimization method
S Manyim, AK Kiprop, JI Mwasiagi, CM Achisa, MP Odero
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 26 (2), 109-123, 2022
Estimation and mapping of water quality parameters using satellite images: a case study of Two Rivers Dam, Kenya
AN Omondi, Y Ouma, JR Kosgei, V Kongo, EJ Kemboi, SM Njoroge, ...
Water Practice & Technology 18 (2), 428-443, 2023
Eco-Friendly Dyeing of Pretreated Cotton Fabric Using a Natural Dye Extract from Erythrina abyssinica
S Manyim, AK Kiprop, JI Mwasiagi, AC Mecha
Journal of Natural Fibers 19 (14), 8319-8331, 2022
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Articles 1–20