Victor Marchezini
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Cited by
Bridging the gap between decision-making and emerging big data sources: An application of a model-based framework to disaster management in Brazil
FEA Horita, JP de Albuquerque, V Marchezini, EM Mendiondo
Decision Support Systems 97, 12-22, 2017
Participatory Early Warning Systems: Youth, Citizen Science, and Intergenerational Dialogues on Disaster Risk Reduction in Brazil
V Marchezini, R Trajber, D Olivato, VA Muñoz, F de Oliveira Pereira, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 8 (4), 390-401, 2017
A review of studies on Participatory Early Warning Systems (P-EWS): Pathways to support citizen science initiatives
V Marchezini, FEA Horita, PM Matsuo, R Trajber, MA Trejo-Rangel, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 184, 2018
The biopolitics of disaster: power, discourses, and practices
V Marchezini
Human Organization 74 (4), 362-371, 2015
Promoting climate change transformation with young people in Brazil: participatory action research through a looping approach
R Trajber, C Walker, V Marchezini, P Kraftl, D Olivato, S Hadfield-Hill, ...
Action Research 17 (1), 87-107, 2019
Pessoas em situação de rua no Brasil: estigmatização, desfiliação e desterritorialização
Revista Brasileira de Sociologia da Emoção 7 (21), 2008
Abandonados nos desastres: uma análise sociológica de dimensões objetivas e simbólicas de afetação de grupos sociais desabrigados e desalojados
M Siena, V Marchezini
Conselho Federal de Psicologia, 2011
Dos desastres da natureza à natureza dos desastres
V Marchezini
Sociologia dos Desastres, 2009
Multiple knowledge systems and participatory actions in slow-onset effects of climate change: insights and perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean
AY Iwama, F Araos, J Anbleyth-Evans, V Marchezini, A Ruiz-Luna, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 50, 31-42, 2021
“What is a sociologist doing here?” An unconventional people-centered approach to improve warning implementation in the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction
V Marchezini
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11 (2), 218-229, 2020
Success, innovation and challenge: School safety and disaster education in South America and the Caribbean
VA Muñoz, B Carby, EC Abella, OD Cardona, T López-Marrero, ...
International journal of disaster risk reduction 44, 101395, 2020
Characterizing spatio-temporal patterns of social vulnerability to droughts, degradation and desertification in the Brazilian northeast
RMSP Vieira, MF Sestini, J Tomasella, V Marchezini, GR Pereira, ...
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 5, 100016, 2020
Re-thinking socio-economic impact assessments of disasters: The 2015 flood in Rio Branco, Brazilian Amazon
DI Dolman, IF Brown, LO Anderson, JF Warner, V Marchezini, GLP Santos
International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 212-219, 2018
La producción silenciada de los" desastres naturales" en catástrofes sociales
V Marchezini
Revista mexicana de sociología 76 (2), 253-285, 2014
Sociologia dos desastres: construção, interfaces e perspectivas no Brasil
N VALENCIO, M Siena, V Marchezini, JC Gonçalves
São Carlos: RiMa Editora, 2009
What we measure matters: The case of the missing development data in Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction monitoring
K Chmutina, J von Meding, V Sandoval, M Boyland, G Forino, W Cheek, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 12, 779-789, 2021
Impactos de desastres socioambientais em saúde pública: estudos dos casos dos Estados de Santa Catarina em 2008 e Pernambuco em 2010
LR Londe, V Marchezini, RS Conceição, KC Bortoletto, AEP Silva, ...
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População 32 (3), 537-562, 2015
Redução de vulnerabilidade a desastres: dimensões políticas, científicas e socioeconômicas
V Marchezini
Waterlat-Gobacit Network Working Papers [internet] 2 (17), 82-102, 2015
The challenges of consolidation of a drought-related disaster risk warning system to Brazil
APM do Amaral Cunha, V Marchezini, DP Lindoso, SM Saito, ...
Sustainability in Debate 10 (1), 43-76, 2019
Challenges for vulnerability reduction in Brazil: Insights from the PAR framework
V Marchezini, B Wisner
Reduction of vulnerability to disasters: from knowledge to action 1, 53-92, 2017
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Articles 1–20