Characterization of desert sand to be used as a high-temperature thermal energy storage medium in particle solar receiver technology M Diago, AC Iniesta, A Soum-Glaude, N Calvet Applied Energy 216, 402-413, 2018 | 150 | 2018 |
Optical characterization of TiAlNx/TiAlNy/Al2O3 tandem solar selective absorber coatings A Soum-Glaude, A Le Gal, M Bichotte, C Escape, L Dubost Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 170, 254-262, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
Accelerated aging of absorber coatings for CSP receivers under real high solar flux–Evolution of their optical properties R Reoyo-Prats, AC Plaza, O Faugeroux, B Claudet, A Soum-Glaude, ... Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 193, 92-100, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
Optical modeling of multilayered coatings based on SiC (N) H materials for their potential use as high-temperature solar selective absorbers A Soum-Glaude, I Bousquet, L Thomas, G Flamant Solar energy materials and solar cells 117, 315-323, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
Comprehensive simulation and optimization of porous SiO2 antireflective coating to improve glass solar transmittance for solar energy applications A Grosjean, A Soum-Glaude, P Neveu, L Thomas Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 182, 166-177, 2018 | 43 | 2018 |
Optical simulation, characterization and thermal stability of Cr2O3/Cr/Cr2O3multilayer solar selective absorber coatings AB Khelifa, A Soum-Glaude, S Khamlich, H Glénat, M Balghouthi, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 783, 533-544, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Optical properties of TiAlC/TiAlCN/TiAlSiCN/TiAlSiCO/TiAlSiO tandem absorber coatings by phase-modulated spectroscopic ellipsometry J Jyothi, A Biswas, P Sarkar, A Soum-Glaude, HS Nagaraja, HC Barshilia Applied Physics A 123, 1-10, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Measurement of high temperature emissivity and photothermal conversion efficiency of TiAlC/TiAlCN/TiAlSiCN/TiAlSiCO/TiAlSiO spectrally selective coating J Jyothi, A Soum-Glaude, HS Nagaraja, HC Barshilia Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 171, 123-130, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Temperature- and Angle-Dependent Emissivity and Thermal Shock Resistance of the W/WAlN/WAlON/Al2O3-Based Spectrally Selective Absorber A Dan, A Soum-Glaude, A Carling-Plaza, CK Ho, K Chattopadhyay, ... ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (8), 5557-5567, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Amorphous silicon carbide coatings grown by low frequency PACVD: Structural and mechanical description A Soum-Glaude, L Thomas, E Tomasella Surface and Coatings Technology 200 (22-23), 6425-6429, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
Extremely high temperature stable nanometric scale multilayer spectrally selective absorber coating: Emissivity measurements at elevated temperatures and a comprehensive study … K Niranjan, A Soum-Glaude, A Carling-Plaza, S Bysakh, S John, ... Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 221, 110905, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
Investigation of the tribological behavior and its relationship to the microstructure and mechanical properties of a-SiC: H films elaborated by low frequency plasma assisted … A Soum-Glaude, G Rambaud, SE Grillo, L Thomas Thin Solid Films 519 (4), 1266-1271, 2010 | 33 | 2010 |
Argon/tetramethysilane PECVD: From process diagnostic and modeling to a-Si: C: H hard coating composition A Soum-Glaude, L Thomas, A Dollet, P Ségur, MC Bordage Diamond and related Materials 16 (4-7), 1259-1263, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Characterization of desert sand as a sensible thermal energy storage medium M Diago, AC Iniesta, T Delclos, A Soum-Glaude, T Shamim, N Calvet AIP Conference proceedings 1734 (1), 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
Round Robin Test for the comparison of spectral emittance measurement apparatuses E Le Baron, O Raccurt, P Giraud, M Adier, J Barriga, B Diaz, P Echegut, ... Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 191, 476-485, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
SiC-TiC nanocomposite for bulk solar absorbers applications: Effect of density and surface roughness on the optical properties H Arena, M Coulibaly, A Soum-Glaude, A Jonchere, A Mesbah, ... Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 191, 199-208, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Undoped TiO2 and nitrogen-doped TiO2 thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition on planar and architectured surfaces for photovoltaic applications L Tian, A Soum-Glaude, F Volpi, L Salvo, G Berthomé, S Coindeau, ... Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (1), 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
High efficiency concentrated solar power plant receivers using periodic microstructured absorbing layers M Bichotte, T Kämpfe, W Iff, F Celle, S Reynaud, T Pouit, A Soum-Glaude, ... Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 160, 328-334, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Parameters and method to evaluate the reflectance properties of reflector materials for concentrating solar power technology A Fernández-García, F Sutter, M Montecchi, F Sallaberry, A Heimsath, ... SolarPACES Official Reflectance Guideline Version 3, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Effect of TiC incorporation on the optical properties and oxidation resistance of SiC ceramics H Arena, M Coulibaly, A Soum-Glaude, A Jonchere, G Arrachart, ... Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 213, 110536, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |