J. Cole Smith
Cited by
Cited by
A multiple-criterion model for machine scheduling
KR Baker, J Cole Smith
Journal of Scheduling 6 (1), 7-16, 2003
Algorithms for discrete and continuous multicommodity flow network interdiction problems
C Lim, JC Smith
IIE Transactions 39 (1), 15-26, 2007
Improving discrete model representations via symmetry considerations
HD Sherali, JC Smith
Management Science 47 (10), 1396-1407, 2001
A survey of network interdiction models and algorithms
JC Smith, Y Song
European Journal of Operational Research 283 (3), 797-811, 2020
Exact interdiction models and algorithms for disconnecting networks via node deletions
S Shen, JC Smith, R Goli
Discrete Optimization 9 (3), 172-188, 2012
A tutorial guide to mixed-integer programming models and solution techniques
JC Smith, ZC Taskin
Optimization in Medicine and Biology, 521-548, 2008
Distributed algorithm for lifetime maximization in a delay-tolerant wireless sensor network with a mobile sink
YS Yun, Y Xia, B Behdani, JC Smith
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (10), 1920-1930, 2012
Distributed algorithm for lifetime maximization in a delay-tolerant wireless sensor network with a mobile sink
YS Yun, Y Xia, B Behdani, JC Smith
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (10), 1920-1930, 2012
A Value-Function-Based Exact Approach for the Bilevel Mixed-Integer Programming Problem
L Lozano, JC Smith
Operations Research 65 (3), 768-786, 2017
A survey of optimization algorithms for wireless sensor network lifetime maximization
RM Curry, JC Smith
Computers & Industrial Engineering 101, 145-166, 2016
Survivable network design under optimal and heuristic interdiction scenarios
JC Smith, C Lim, F Sudargho
Journal of global optimization 38 (2), 181-199, 2007
Polynomial‐time algorithms for solving a class of critical node problems on trees and series‐parallel graphs
S Shen, JC Smith
Networks 60 (2), 103-119, 2012
Wiley encyclopedia of operations research and management science
SA Erdogan, BT Denton, JJ Cochran, LA Cox, P Keskinocak, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Algorithms for network interdiction and fortification games
JC Smith, C Lim
Pareto Optimality, Game Theory And Equilibria, 609-644, 2008
Special issue on games, interdiction, and human interaction problems on networks-Preface
JC Smith
NETWORKS 52 (3), 109-110, 2008
Models and algorithms for the design of survivable multicommodity flow networks with general failure scenarios
M Garg, JC Smith
Omega 36 (6), 1057-1071, 2008
Modern network interdiction problems and algorithms
JC Smith, M Prince, J Geunes
Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 1949-1987, 2013
An improved linearization strategy for zero-one quadratic programming problems
HD Sherali, JC Smith
Optimization Letters 1 (1), 33-47, 2007
A class of algorithms for mixed-integer bilevel min–max optimization
Y Tang, JPP Richard, JC Smith
Journal of Global Optimization 66 (2), 225-262, 2016
An integer-programming-based approach to the close-enough traveling salesman problem
B Behdani, JC Smith
INFORMS Journal on Computing 26 (3), 415-432, 2014
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Articles 1–20