Christos Zografos
Christos Zografos
Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
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Cited by
To value or not to value? That is not the question
G Kallis, E Gómez-Baggethun, C Zografos
Ecological economics 94, 97-105, 2013
Green sacrifice zones, or why a green new deal cannot ignore the cost shifts of just transitions
C Zografos, P Robbins
One Earth 3 (5), 543-546, 2020
The environmental values of potential ecotourists: A segmentation study
C Zografos, D Allcroft
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 15 (1), 44-66, 2007
Emotions, power, and environmental conflict: Expanding the ‘emotional turn’in political ecology
M González-Hidalgo, C Zografos
Progress in Human Geography 44 (2), 235-255, 2020
The politics of landscape value: a case study of wind farm conflict in rural Catalonia
C Zografos, J Martínez-Alier
Environment and Planning A 41 (7), 1726-1744, 2009
Degrowth futures and democracy
C Cattaneo, G D'Alisa, G Kallis
Futures 44 (6), 515-523, 2012
Rurality discourses and the role of the social enterprise in regenerating rural Scotland
C Zografos
Journal of Rural Studies 23 (1), 38-51, 2007
The socio-cultural context of ecosystem and biodiversity valuation
ES Brondízio, F Gatzweiler, C Zografos, M Kumar, GK Kadekodi, ...
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and economic …, 2012
The everyday politics of urban transformational adaptation: Struggles for authority and the Barcelona superblock project
C Zografos, KA Klause, JJT Connolly, I Anguelovski
Cities 99, 102613, 2020
Towards an inter-disciplinary research agenda on climate change, water and security in Southern Europe and neighboring countries
R Ludwig, R Roson, C Zografos, G Kallis
Environmental Science & Policy 14 (7), 794-803, 2011
A degrowth transition: pathways for the degrowth niche to replace the capitalist-growth regime
JS Vandeventer, C Cattaneo, C Zografos
Ecological Economics 156, 272-286, 2019
How sovereignty claims and “negative” emotions influence the process of subject-making: Evidence from a case of conflict over tree plantations from Southern Chile
M González-Hidalgo, C Zografos
Geoforum 78, 61-73, 2017
Deliberative ecological economics for sustainability governance
C Zografos, RB Howarth
Sustainability 2 (11), 3399-3417, 2010
Deliberative ecological economics
C Zografos, R Howarth
Oxford University Press, 2008
Between improvement and sacrifice: Othering and the (bio) political ecology of climate change
D Andreucci, C Zografos
Political Geography 92, 102512, 2022
Conflicts at sea between artisanal and industrial fishers: Inter-sectoral interactions and dispute resolution in Senegal
C DuBois, C Zografos
Marine Policy 36 (6), 1211-1220, 2012
Justice for the environment: Developing a set of indicators of environmental justice for Scotland
H Todd, C Zografos
Environmental Values 14 (4), 483-501, 2005
A discourse analysis of yellow-vest resistance against carbon taxes
RI Mehleb, G Kallis, C Zografos
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40, 382-394, 2021
When exposure to climate change is not enough: Exploring heatwave adaptive capacity of a multi-ethnic, low-income urban community in Australia
C Zografos, I Anguelovski, M Grigorova
Urban Climate 17, 248-265, 2016
Sources of human insecurity in the face of hydro-climatic change
C Zografos, MC Goulden, G Kallis
Global environmental change 29, 327-336, 2014
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Articles 1–20