ruhaidah samsudin
ruhaidah samsudin
Ruhaidah Samsudin
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A hybrid model of self-organizing maps (SOM) and least square support vector machine (LSSVM) for time-series forecasting
S Ismail, A Shabri, R Samsudin
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (8), 10574-10578, 2011
A comparison of time series forecasting using support vector machine and artificial neural network model
R Samsudin, A Shabri, P Saad
Journal of applied sciences 10 (11), 950-958, 2010
River flow time series using least squares support vector machines
R Samsudin, P Saad, A Shabri
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (6), 1835-1852, 2011
Daily crude oil price forecasting using hybridizing wavelet and artificial neural network model
A Shabri, R Samsudin
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 201402, 2014
A hybrid model of self organizing maps and least square support vector machine for river flow forecasting
S Ismail, A Shabri, R Samsudin
Hydrology and Earth system sciences 16 (11), 4417-4433, 2012
Crude oil price forecasting based on hybridizing wavelet multiple linear regression model, particle swarm optimization techniques, and principal component analysis
A Shabri, R Samsudin
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 854520, 2014
A hybrid least squares support vector machines and GMDH approach for river flow forecasting
R Samsudin, P Saad, A Shabri
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 7 (3), 3691-3731, 2010
A hybrid GMDH and least squares support vector machines in time series forecasting
R Samsudin, P Saad, A Shabri
Neural Network World 21 (3), 251, 2011
Tourism forecasting using hybrid modified empirical mode decomposition and neural network
NA Yahya, R Samsudin, A Shabri
Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl 9 (1), 14-31, 2017
A hybrid GMDH and box-jenkins models in time series forecasting
A Shabri, R Samsudin
Applied mathematical sciences 8 (62), 3051-3062, 2014
Hybridizing GMDH and least squares SVM support vector machine for forecasting tourism demand
R Samsudin, P Saad, A Shabri
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences 3 (3), 274-279, 2010
Forecasting of the rice yields time series forecasting using artificial neural network and statistical model.
A Shabri, R Samsudin, Z Ismail
Intelligent learning model based on significant weight of domain knowledge concept for adaptive e-learning
N Idris, SZM Hashim, R Samsudin, NBH Ahmad
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 7 (4-2), 1486, 2017
River flow forecasting: a hybrid model of self organizing maps and least square support vector machine
S Ismail, R Samsudin, A Shabri
Hydrol Earth Syst Sci Discuss 7 (5), 8179-8212, 2010
Fishery Landing Forecasting Using WaveletBased Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models
A Shabri, R Samsudin
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 969450, 2015
Combining deep neural network and fourier series for tourist arrivals forecasting
A Shabri, R Samsudin, Y Yusoff
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 864 (1), 012094, 2020
Empirical mode decomposition–least squares support vector machine based for water demand forecasting
A Shabri, R Samsudin, U Teknologi
Int. J. Adv. Soft Comput. Its Appl 7 (2), 2015
The Effect of Kernel Functions on Cryptocurrency Prediction Using Support Vector Machines
NA Hitam, AR Ismail, R Samsudin, EH Alkhammash
International Conference of Reliable Information and Communication …, 2021
Combined group method of data handling models using artificial bee colony algorithm in time series forecasting
NA Yahya, R Samsudin, A Shabri, F Saeed
Procedia computer science 163, 319-329, 2019
Graph-based extractive text summarization method for Hausa text
AA Bichi, R Samsudin, R Hassan, LRA Hasan, A Ado Rogo
Plos one 18 (5), e0285376, 2023
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