Jackie Cassell
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Cited by
Extracting information from the text of electronic medical records to improve case detection: a systematic review
E Ford, JA Carroll, HE Smith, D Scott, JA Cassell
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 23 (5), 1007-1015, 2016
Sexualized drug use (‘chemsex’) and high‐risk sexual behaviours in HIV‐positive men who have sex with men
EL Pufall, M Kall, M Shahmanesh, A Nardone, R Gilson, V Delpech, ...
HIV medicine 19 (4), 261-270, 2018
Interactive computer‐based interventions for sexual health promotion
JV Bailey, E Murray, G Rait, CH Mercer, RW Morris, R Peacock, J Cassell, ...
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2010
‘MMR talk’and vaccination choices: An ethnographic study in Brighton
M Poltorak, M Leach, J Fairhead, J Cassell
Social Science & Medicine 61 (3), 709-719, 2005
The impact of information transmission on epidemic outbreaks
IZ Kiss, J Cassell, M Recker, PL Simon
Mathematical biosciences 225 (1), 1-10, 2010
Improved effectiveness of partner notification for patients with sexually transmitted infections: systematic review
S Trelle, A Shang, L Nartey, JA Cassell, N Low
bmj 334 (7589), 354, 2007
Application of the COM-B model to barriers and facilitators to chlamydia testing in general practice for young people and primary care practitioners: a systematic review
LK McDonagh, JM Saunders, J Cassell, T Curtis, H Bastaki, T Hartney, ...
Implementation Science 13, 1-19, 2018
The opportunities and challenges of pragmatic point-of-care randomised trials using routinely collected electronic records: evaluations of two exemplar trials.
TP van Staa, L Dyson, G McCann, S Padmanabhan, R Belatri, B Goldacre, ...
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England) 18 (43), 1-146, 2014
Pragmatic randomised trials using routine electronic health records: putting them to the test
TP van Staa, B Goldacre, M Gulliford, J Cassell, M Pirmohamed, A Taweel, ...
Bmj 344, 2012
Scabies outbreaks in ten care homes for elderly people: a prospective study of clinical features, epidemiology, and treatment outcomes
JA Cassell, J Middleton, A Nalabanda, S Lanza, MG Head, J Bostock, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 18 (8), 894-902, 2018
“Giving something back”: a systematic review and ethical enquiry into public views on the use of patient data for research in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
J Stockdale, J Cassell, E Ford
Wellcome open research 3, 6, 2019
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of traditional and new partner notification technologies for curable sexually transmitted infections: observational study, systematic …
CL Althaus, KME Turner, CH Mercer, P Auguste, TE Roberts, G Bell, ...
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England) 18 (2), 1-viii, 2014
National survey of British public's views on use of identifiable medical data by the National Cancer Registry
G Barrett, JA Cassell, JL Peacock, MP Coleman
bmj 332 (7549), 1068-1072, 2006
Is the cultural context of MMR rejection a key to an effective public health discourse?
JA Cassell, M Leach, MS Poltorak, CH Mercer, A Iversen, JR Fairhead
Public health 120 (9), 783-794, 2006
Who reports absence of sexual attraction in Britain? Evidence from national probability surveys
CRH Aicken, CH Mercer, JA Cassell
Asexuality and Sexual Normativity, 10-24, 2015
Vicious and virtuous circles in the dynamics of infectious disease and the provision of health care: gonorrhea in Britain as an example
PJ White, H Ward, JA Cassell, CH Mercer, GP Garnett
The Journal of infectious diseases 192 (5), 824-836, 2005
How much do delayed healthcare seeking, delayed care provision, and diversion from primary care contribute to the transmission of STIs?
CH Mercer, L Sutcliffe, AM Johnson, PJ White, G Brook, JDC Ross, J Dhar, ...
Sexually Transmitted Infections 83 (5), 400-405, 2007
Scabies outbreaks in residential care homes: factors associated with late recognition, burden and impact. A mixed methods study in England
KA Hewitt, A Nalabanda, JA Cassell
Epidemiology & Infection 143 (7), 1542-1551, 2015
Sex differences in the experience of testing positive for genital chlamydia infection: a qualitative study with implications for public health and for a national screening …
J Darroch, L Myers, J Cassell
Sexually transmitted infections 79 (5), 372-373, 2003
Trends in sexually transmitted infections in general practice 1990-2000: population based study using data from the UK general practice research database
JA Cassell, CH Mercer, L Sutcliffe, I Petersen, A Islam, MG Brook, ...
Bmj 332 (7537), 332-334, 2006
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