yuanbin he
yuanbin he
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Cited by
A new design method for the passive damped LCL and LLCL filter-based single-phase grid-tied inverter
W Wu, Y He, T Tang, F Blaabjerg
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 60 (10), 4339-4350, 2012
An LLCL power filter for single-phase grid-tied inverter
W Wu, Y He, F Blaabjerg
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (2), 782-789, 2011
Damping methods for resonances caused by LCL-filter-based current-controlled grid-tied power inverters: An overview
W Wu, Y Liu, Y He, HSH Chung, M Liserre, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (9), 7402-7413, 2017
吴卫民, 何远彬, 耿攀, 钱照明, 汪梗生
电工技术学报 27 (001), 98-106, 2012
An efficient and robust hybrid damper for $ LCL $-or $ LLCL $-based grid-tied inverter with strong grid-side harmonic voltage effect rejection
Y Liu, W Wu, Y He, Z Lin, F Blaabjerg, HSH Chung
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (2), 926-936, 2015
A modified LLCL filter with the reduced conducted EMI noise
W Wu, Y Sun, Z Lin, Y He, M Huang, F Blaabjerg, HS Chung
IEEE transactions on power electronics 29 (7), 3393-3402, 2013
Key technologies for DC micro-grids
W Wu, Y He, P Geng, Z Qian, Y Wang
Diangong Jishu Xuebao(Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society) 27 (1), 2012
Use of boundary control with second-order switching surface to reduce the system order for deadbeat controller in grid-connected inverter
Y He, HSH Chung, CNM Ho, W Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (3), 2638-2653, 2015
Active cancelation of equivalent grid impedance for improving stability and injected power quality of grid-connected inverter under variable grid condition
Y He, HSH Chung, CT Lai, X Zhang, W Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (11), 9387-9398, 2018
Multi-resonant-based sliding mode control of DFIG-based wind system under unbalanced and harmonic network conditions
Y Quan, L Hang, Y He, Y Zhang
Applied Sciences 9 (6), 1124, 2019
New passive filter design method for overvoltage suppression and bearing currents mitigation in a long cable based PWM inverter-fed motor drive system
Y Jiang, W Wu, Y He, HSH Chung, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (10), 7882-7893, 2016
A Simple Differential Mode EMI Suppressor for the LLCL-Filter-Based Single-Phase Grid-Tied Transformerless Inverter
J Ji, W Wu, Y He, Z Lin, F Blaabjerg, HS Chung
Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 62 (7), 4141-4147, 2015
Modified cascaded boundary-deadbeat control for a virtually-grounded three-phase grid-connected inverter with LCL filter
Y He, HSH Chung, CNM Ho, W Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (10), 8163-8180, 2016
A fast-dynamic unipolar switching control scheme for single-phase inverters in dc microgrids
M Pokharel, N Hildebrandt, CNM Ho, Y He
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (1), 916-927, 2018
Utilization of proportional filter capacitor voltage feedforward to realize active damping for digitally-controlled grid-tied inverter operating under wide grid impedance variation
Y He, K Wang, HS Chung
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4450-4457, 2014
Direct current tracking using boundary control with second-order switching surface for three-phase three-wire grid-connected inverter
Y He, HS Chung, CNM Ho, W Wu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (7), 5723-5740, 2016
Review of general modeling approaches of power converters
D Yan, C Yang, L Hang, Y He, P Luo, L Shen, P Zeng
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering 7 (1), 27-36, 2021
A Novel Primary-Side Regulation Control Scheme for CCM and DCM LLC LED Driver Based on “Magnetizing Current Cancellation Method”
H Dong, X Xie, F Mao, L Zhang, Y He
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (11), 12223-12237, 2020
Optimized modulation strategy of NH3L-DAB converter to minimize RMS current for wide voltage range applications
Z Zhang, L Hang, A Tong, K Chen, Z Ou, Y He, Z He, P Zeng, Q Wu, G Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (7), 7789-7808, 2022
Globally unified ZVS and quasi-optimal minimum conduction loss modulation of DAB converters
H Yu, L Hang, X Zheng, Z He, Y He, L Shen, C Shao, P Zeng, Q Wu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 8 (3), 3989-4000, 2021
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