Olivier Gourdon
Olivier Gourdon
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Powgen: A third-generation high-resolution high-throughput powder diffraction instrument at the Spallation Neutron Source
A Huq, JP Hodges, O Gourdon, L Heroux
Z. Kristallogr. Proc 1 (2011), 127-135, 2011
Electronegative guests in CoSb 3
B Duan, J Yang, JR Salvador, Y He, B Zhao, S Wang, P Wei, FS Ohuchi, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (6), 2090-2098, 2016
Incommensurate versus Commensurate Description of the A x BX3 Hexagonal Perovskite-Type Structure. Sr1. 2872NiO3 Incommensurate Composite Compound Example
M Evain, F Boucher, O Gourdon, V Petricek, M Dusek, P Bezdicka
Chemistry of materials 10 (10), 3068-3076, 1998
Anharmonicity and atomic distribution of SnTe and PbTe thermoelectrics
CW Li, J Ma, HB Cao, AF May, DL Abernathy, G Ehlers, C Hoffmann, ...
Physical Review B 90 (21), 214303, 2014
Atomic distributions in the γ-brass structure of the Cu− Zn system: a structural and theoretical study
O Gourdon, D Gout, DJ Williams, T Proffen, S Hobbs, GJ Miller
Inorganic chemistry 46 (1), 251-260, 2007
Study of the antiferromagnetism of Mn 5 Si 3: an inverse magnetocaloric effect material
M Gottschilch, O Gourdon, J Persson, C de la Cruz, V Petricek, T Brueckel
Journal of materials chemistry 22 (30), 15275-15284, 2012
Determination of the modulated structure of Sr14/11CoO3 through a (3+ 1)-dimensional space description and using non-harmonic ADPs
O Gourdon, V Petricek, M Dusek, P Bezdicka, S Durovic, D Gyepesova, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 55 (6), 841-848, 1999
Lattice instabilities in bulk EuTiO
D Bessas, KZ Rushchanskii, M Kachlik, S Disch, O Gourdon, J Bednarcik, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (14), 144308, 2013
Intergrowth compounds in the Zn-rich Zn− Pd system: toward 1D quasicrystal approximants
O Gourdon, GJ Miller
Chemistry of materials 18 (7), 1848-1856, 2006
A New Superstructure for the BaAl4-Structure Type:  An Experimental and Theoretical Study of La2NiAl7
D Gout, TJ Barker, O Gourdon, GJ Miller
Chemistry of materials 17 (14), 3661-3667, 2005
Reinvestigation of the GaMn structure and theoretical studies of its electronic and magnetic properties
O Gourdon, GJ Miller
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 173 (1), 137-147, 2003
Structure and dynamics of octamethyl-POSS nanoparticles
N Jalarvo, O Gourdon, G Ehlers, M Tyagi, SK Kumar, KD Dobbs, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (10), 5579-5592, 2014
Crystallographic, Electronic, and Magnetic Studies of ζ2-GaM (M = Cr, Mn or Fe):  Trends in Itinerant Magnetism
O Gourdon, SL Bud'ko, D Williams, GJ Miller
Inorganic chemistry 43 (10), 3210-3218, 2004
Structure–property relationships along the Fe-substituted CuInS2 series: Tuning of thermoelectric and magnetic properties
JD Burnett, O Gourdon, KGS Ranmohotti, NJ Takas, H Djieutedjeu, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 147 (1-2), 17-27, 2014
Ordering of water in opals with different microstructures
J Eckert, O Gourdon, DE Jacob, C Meral, PJM Monteiro, SC Vogel, ...
European Journal of Mineralogy 27 (2), 203-213, 2015
Magnetocaloric response of non-stoichiometric Ni2MnGa alloys and the influence of crystallographic texture
MV McLeod, AK Giri, BA Paterson, CL Dennis, L Zhou, SC Vogel, ...
Acta materialia 97, 245-256, 2015
Improved electrode kinetics in lithium manganospinel nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal methods: identifying and eliminating oxygen vacancies
X Hao, O Gourdon, BJ Liddle, BM Bartlett
Journal of materials chemistry 22 (4), 1578-1591, 2012
Zn1− x Pd x (x= 0.14–0.24): a missing link between intergrowth compounds and quasicrystal approximants
O Gourdon, Z Izaola, L Elcoro, V Petricek, GJ Miller
Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5), 419-425, 2006
A new structure type in the hexagonal perovskite family; structure determination of the modulated misfit compound Sr9/8TiS3
O Gourdon, V Petricek, M Evain
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 56 (3), 409-418, 2000
On the structural and electronic factors governing the magnetic properties of the hexagonal perovskite-type oxides AxBO3 (A= Ca, Sr, Ba; B= Co, Ni)
MH Whangbo, HJ Koo, KS Lee, O Gourdon, M Evain, S Jobic, R Brec
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 160 (1), 239-246, 2001
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