Qi Liu
Qi Liu
Lead researcher, GE Global Research
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Time series classification using multi-channels deep convolutional neural networks
Y Zheng, Q Liu, E Chen, Y Ge, JL Zhao
International conference on web-age information management, 298-310, 2014
Progress and perspective of ceramic/polymer composite solid electrolytes for lithium batteries
S Li, SQ Zhang, L Shen, Q Liu, JB Ma, W Lv, YB He, QH Yang
Advanced Science 7 (5), 1903088, 2020
Quaternion knowledge graph embeddings
S Zhang, Y Tay, L Yao, Q Liu
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Constrained graph variational autoencoders for molecule design
Q Liu, M Allamanis, M Brockschmidt, A Gaunt
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Ekt: Exercise-aware knowledge tracing for student performance prediction
Q Liu, Z Huang, Y Yin, E Chen, H Xiong, Y Su, G Hu
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33 (1), 100-115, 2019
Challenges and perspectives of garnet solid electrolytes for all solid-state lithium batteries
Q Liu, Z Geng, C Han, Y Fu, S Li, Y He, F Kang, B Li
Journal of Power Sources 389, 120-134, 2018
Influences of the land use pattern on water quality in low-order streams of the Dongjiang River basin, China: A multi-scale analysis
J Ding, Y Jiang, Q Liu, Z Hou, J Liao, L Fu, Q Peng
Science of the total environment 551, 205-216, 2016
Deepeutecticsolventbased selfhealing polymer electrolyte for safe and longlife lithiummetal batteries
P Jaumaux, Q Liu, D Zhou, X Xu, T Wang, Y Wang, F Kang, B Li, G Wang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (23), 9134-9142, 2020
Shine: Signed heterogeneous information network embedding for sentiment link prediction
H Wang, F Zhang, M Hou, X Xie, M Guo, Q Liu
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on web search and …, 2018
Large language models are not fair evaluators
P Wang, L Li, L Chen, Z Cai, D Zhu, B Lin, Y Cao, Q Liu, T Liu, Z Sui
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17926, 2023
Synergistic and low adverse effect cancer immunotherapy by immunogenic chemotherapy and locally expressed PD-L1 trap
W Song, L Shen, Y Wang, Q Liu, TJ Goodwin, J Li, O Dorosheva, T Liu, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2237, 2018
A melanin-mediated cancer immunotherapy patch
Y Ye, C Wang, X Zhang, Q Hu, Y Zhang, Q Liu, D Wen, J Milligan, ...
Science immunology 2 (17), eaan5692, 2017
Combination immunotherapy of MUC1 mRNA nano-vaccine and CTLA-4 blockade effectively inhibits growth of triple negative breast cancer
L Liu, Y Wang, L Miao, Q Liu, S Musetti, J Li, L Huang
Molecular Therapy 26 (1), 45-55, 2018
Smart contract vulnerability detection using graph neural networks
Y Zhuang, Z Liu, P Qian, Q Liu, X Wang, Q He
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on International …, 2021
How does biochar influence soil N cycle? A meta-analysis
Q Liu, Y Zhang, B Liu, JE Amonette, Z Lin, G Liu, P Ambus, Z Xie
Plant and soil 426, 211-225, 2018
Exploiting multi-channels deep convolutional neural networks for multivariate time series classification
Y Zheng, Q Liu, E Chen, Y Ge, JL Zhao
Frontiers of Computer Science 10, 96-112, 2016
A survey on large language models for recommendation
L Wu, Z Zheng, Z Qiu, H Wang, H Gu, T Shen, C Qin, C Zhu, H Zhu, Q Liu, ...
World Wide Web 27 (5), 60, 2024
Motif-based graph self-supervised learning for molecular property prediction
Z Zhang, Q Liu, H Wang, C Lu, CK Lee
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 15870-15882, 2021
Sentence-state LSTM for text representation
Y Zhang, Q Liu, L Song
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.02474, 2018
Unsupervised point cloud pre-training via occlusion completion
H Wang, Q Liu, X Yue, J Lasenby, MJ Kusner
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
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