Mikyung Kim Wolf
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Cited by
Classroom talk for rigorous reading comprehension instruction
MK Wolf, AC Crosson, LB Resnick
Reading Psychology 26 (1), 27-53, 2005
Issues in Assessing English Language Learners: English Language Proficiency Measures and Accommodation Uses. Practice Review (Part 2 of 3). CRESST Report 732.
MK Wolf, J Kao, N Griffin, JL Herman, PL Bachman, SM Chang, ...
National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing …, 2008
An investigation of the language demands in content assessments for English language learners
MK Wolf, S Leon
Educational assessment 14 (3-4), 139-159, 2009
Accountable talk in reading comprehension instruction
MK Wolf, AC Crosson, LB Resnick
Regents of the University of California, 2005
Detecting DIF across the different language groups in a speaking test
M Kim
Language Testing 18 (1), 89-114, 2001
Assessing academic rigor in mathematics instruction: The development of the Instructional Quality Assessment toolkit
M Boston, MK Wolf
Regents of the University of California, 2005
Overview of the instructional quality assessment
BW Junker, Y Weisberg, LC Matsumura, A Crosson, M Wolf, A Levison, ...
Regents of the University of California, 2005
Validity issues in assessing English language learners' language proficiency
MK Wolf, T Farnsworth, J Herman
Educational Assessment 13 (2-3), 80-107, 2008
Issues in assessing English language learners: English language proficiency measures and accommodation uses
MK Wolf, J Kao, J Herman, LF Bachman, A Bailey, PL Bachman, ...
Practice Review. CRESST Report 732, 2008
An overview of English language proficiency assessments for young learners
MK Wolf, YG Butler
English language proficiency assessments for young learners, 3-21, 2017
A reliable approach to automatic assessment of short answer free responses
LF Bachman, N Carr, G Kamei, M Kim, MJ Pan, C Salvador, Y Sawaki
COLING 2002: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2002
Investigating the language demands in the common core state standards for English language learners a Comparison Study of Standards
MK Wolf, Y Wang, I Blood, BH Huang
Middle Grades Research Journal 9 (1), 35, 2014
Integrating scaffolding strategies into technology-enhanced assessments of English learners: Task types and measurement models
MK Wolf, D Guzman-Orth, A Lopez, K Castellano, I Himelfarb, ...
Educational Assessment 21 (3), 157-175, 2016
The effects of glossary and read-aloud accommodations on English language learners’ performance on a mathematics assessment
MK Wolf, J Kim, J Kao
Applied Measurement in Education 25 (4), 347-374, 2012
The challenge of assessing language proficiency aligned to the Common Core State Standards and some possible solutions
AL Bailey, MK Wolf
Understanding Language Conference, Stanford University, Stanford, CA …, 2012
Validating English language proficiency assessment uses for English learners: Academic language proficiency and content assessment performance
MK Wolf, M Faulkner‐Bond
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 35 (2), 6-18, 2016
Assessing Academic Rigor in Mathematics Instruction: The Development of the Instructional Quality Assessment Toolkit. CSE Technical Report 672.
M Boston, MK Wolf
National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing …, 2006
Next‐generation summative English language proficiency assessments for English learners: Priorities for policy and research
MK Wolf, D Guzman‐Orth, MC Hauck
ETS Research Report Series 2016 (1), 1-23, 2016
Accountable Talk in Reading Comprehension Instruction. CSE Technical Report 670.
MK Wolf, AC Crosson, LB Resnick
National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing …, 2006
TOEFL Junior® Design Framework
Y So, MK Wolf, MC Hauck, P Mollaun, P Rybinski, D Tumposky, L Wang
ETS Research Report Series 2015 (1), 1-45, 2015
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Articles 1–20