Additively manufactured porous tantalum implants R Wauthle, J Van Der Stok, S Amin Yavari, J Van Humbeeck, JP Kruth, ... Acta biomaterialia 14, 217-225, 2015 | 474 | 2015 |
Mechanical properties of open-cell metallic biomaterials manufactured using additive manufacturing G Campoli, MS Borleffs, S Amin Yavari, R Wauthle, H Weinans, ... Materials & Design 49, 957-965, 2013 | 469 | 2013 |
Relationship between unit cell type and porosity and the fatigue behavior of selective laser melted meta-biomaterials S Amin Yavari, SM Ahmadi, R Wauthle, B Pouran, J Schrooten, ... Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 43, 91-100, 2015 | 467 | 2015 |
Mechanical behavior of regular open-cell porous biomaterials made of diamond lattice unit cells SM Ahmadi, G Campoli, S Amin Yavari, B Sajadi, R Wauthlé, J Schrooten, ... Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 34, 106-115, 2014 | 442 | 2014 |
Additively manufactured open-cell porous biomaterials made from six different space-filling unit cells: The mechanical and morphological properties SM Ahmadi, S Amin Yavari, R Wauthle, B Pouran, J Schrooten, ... Materials 8 (4), 1871-1896, 2015 | 420 | 2015 |
Fatigue behavior of porous biomaterials manufactured using selective laser melting S Amin Yavari, R Wauthlé, J van der Stok, AC Riemslag, M Janssen, ... Materials Science and Engineering: C 33 (8), 4849-4858, 2013 | 390 | 2013 |
Bone regeneration performance of surface-treated porous titanium S Amin Yavari, J van der Stok, YC Chai, R Wauthle, ZT Birgani, ... Biomaterials 35 (24), 6172-6181, 2014 | 327 | 2014 |
Selective laser melting‐produced porous titanium scaffolds regenerate bone in critical size cortical bone defects J Van der Stok, OP Van der Jagt, S Amin Yavari, MFP De Haas, ... Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31 (5), 792-799, 2013 | 303 | 2013 |
Revival of pure titanium for dynamically loaded porous implants using additive manufacturing R Wauthle, SM Ahmadi, S Amin Yavari, M Mulier, AA Zadpoor, H Weinans, ... Materials Science and Engineering: C 54, 94-100, 2015 | 198 | 2015 |
Combating implant infections: shifting focus from bacteria to host S Amin Yavari, SM Castenmiller, JAG van Strijp, M Croes Advanced Materials 32 (43), 2002962, 2020 | 189 | 2020 |
Antibacterial and immunogenic behavior of silver coatings on additively manufactured porous titanium M Croes, S Bakhshandeh, IAJ Van Hengel, K Lietaert, KPM Van Kessel, ... Acta biomaterialia 81, 315-327, 2018 | 164 | 2018 |
Antibacterial behavior of additively manufactured porous titanium with nanotubular surfaces releasing silver ions S Amin Yavari, L Loozen, FL Paganelli, S Bakhshandeh, K Lietaert, ... ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (27), 17080-17089, 2016 | 163 | 2016 |
Effects of bio-functionalizing surface treatments on the mechanical behavior of open porous titanium biomaterials S Amin Yavari, SM Ahmadi, J van der Stok, R Wauthlé, AC Riemslag, ... Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 36, 109-119, 2014 | 133 | 2014 |
Enhanced bone regeneration of cortical segmental bone defects using porous titanium scaffolds incorporated with colloidal gelatin gels for time-and dose-controlled delivery of … J van der Stok, H Wang, S Amin Yavari, M Siebelt, M Sandker, ... Tissue Engineering Part A 19 (23-24), 2605-2614, 2013 | 107 | 2013 |
Additively manufactured and surface biofunctionalized porous nitinol Z Gorgin Karaji, M Speirs, S Dadbakhsh, JP Kruth, H Weinans, ... ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (2), 1293-1304, 2017 | 104 | 2017 |
Experimental validation of finite element model for proximal composite femur using optical measurements L Grassi, SP Väänänen, SA Yavari, H Weinans, JS Jurvelin, AA Zadpoor, ... Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 21, 86-94, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
Simultaneous delivery of multiple antibacterial agents from additively manufactured porous biomaterials to fully eradicate planktonic and adherent Staphylococcus aureus S Bakhshandeh, Z Gorgin Karaji, K Lietaert, AC Fluit, CHE Boel, ... ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (31), 25691-25699, 2017 | 99 | 2017 |
Full regeneration of segmental bone defects using porous titanium implants loaded with BMP-2 containing fibrin gels J van der Stok, MKE Koolen, M de Maat, S Amin Yavari, J Alblas, P Patka, ... European cells & materials 2015 (29), 141-154, 2015 | 98 | 2015 |
Crystal structure and nanotopographical features on the surface of heat-treated and anodized porous titanium biomaterials produced using selective laser melting S Amin Yavari, R Wauthlé, AJ Böttger, J Schrooten, H Weinans, ... Applied Surface Science 290, 287-294, 2014 | 96 | 2014 |
Layer by layer coating for bio-functionalization of additively manufactured meta-biomaterials S Amin Yavari, M Croes, B Akhavan, F Jahanmard, CC Eigenhuis, ... Additive Manufacturing 32, 100991, 2020 | 88 | 2020 |