Kate Mays
Cited by
Cited by
Detecting frames in news headlines and its application to analyzing news framing trends surrounding US gun violence
S Liu, L Guo, K Mays, M Betke, DT Wijaya
Proceedings of the 23rd conference on computational natural language …, 2019
Whose story wins on twitter? Visualizing the South China Sea dispute
L Guo, K Mays, J Wang
Journalism Studies 20 (4), 563-584, 2019
What makes gun violence a (less) prominent issue? A computational analysis of compelling arguments and selective agenda setting
L Guo, K Mays, Y Zhang, D Wijaya, M Betke
Mass communication and society 24 (5), 651-675, 2021
AI as a boss? A national US survey of predispositions governing comfort with expanded AI roles in society
KK Mays, Y Lei, R Giovanetti, JE Katz
AI & SOCIETY, 1-14, 2022
Journalism and truth in an age of social media
JE Katz, KK Mays
Oxford University Press, USA, 2019
Accurate, fast, but not always cheap: Evaluating “crowdcoding” as an alternative approach to analyze social media data
L Guo, K Mays, S Lai, M Jalal, P Ishwar, M Betke
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 97 (3), 811-834, 2020
More Capable, Less Benevolent: Trust Perceptions of AI Systems across Societal Contexts
E Novozhilova, K Mays, S Paik, JE Katz
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 6 (1), 342-366, 2024
A time-series, multinational analysis of democratic forecasts and emerging media diffusion, 1994–2014
K Mays, J Groshek
International Journal of Communication 11, 23, 2017
Trait motivational reactivity as a predictor of online dating app behavior
JJ Cummings, K Mays
Computers in Human Behavior 121, 106775, 2021
Mediated Communication and Customer Service Experiences: Psychological and Demographic Predictors of User Evaluations in the United States.
KK Mays, J Katz, J Groshek
Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences 30 (1), 2022
Dynamic allocation of crowd contributions for sentiment analysis during the 2016 us presidential election
M Sameki, M Gentil, KK Mays, L Guo, M Betke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08953, 2016
Looking towards an automated future: US attitudes towards future artificial intelligence instantiations and their effect
E Novozhilova, K Mays, JE Katz
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-11, 2024
Coping during COVID-19: how attitudinal, efficacy, and personality differences drive adherence to protective measures
KK Mays, S Paik, B Trifiro, JE Katz
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 17 (1), 30-43, 2024
Invasive yet inevitable? Privacy normalization trends in biometric technology
S Paik, KK Mays, JE Katz
Social Media+ Society 8 (4), 20563051221129147, 2022
Breaching perpetual contact: Withdrawing from mobile and social media use in everyday life
AH Caron, KK Mays
First Monday, 2021
Agenda setting, cross-cutting effects, and political expression on social media: the gun violence case
L Guo, Y Zhang, K Mays, AF Akyürek, D Wijaya, M Betke
Communication research 51 (8), 1033-1057, 2024
Humanizing robots? The influence of appearance and status on social perceptions of robots
KK Mays
Boston University, 2021
Performance comparison of crowdworkers and NLP tools on named-entity recognition and sentiment analysis of political tweets
M Jalal, KK Mays, L Guo, M Betke
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04181, 2020
BUOCA: budget-optimized crowd worker allocation
M Sameki, S Lai, KK Mays, L Guo, P Ishwar, M Betke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.06237, 2019
The Power of Personal Ontologies: Individual Traits Prevail Over Robot Traits in Shaping Robot Humanization Perceptions
KK Mays, JJ Cummings
International Journal of Social Robotics 15 (9), 1665-1682, 2023
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Articles 1–20