Prof. Baba Seidu
Prof. Baba Seidu
C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Navrongo,Ghana
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Sensitivity assessment and optimal economic evaluation of a new COVID-19 compartmental epidemic model with control interventions
JKK Asamoah, Z Jin, GQ Sun, B Seidu, E Yankson, A Abidemi, FT Oduro, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 146, 110885, 2021
Modelling of rabies transmission dynamics using optimal control analysis
JKK Asamoah, FT Oduro, E Bonyah, B Seidu
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2017 (1), 2451237, 2017
Mathematical modelling of bacterial meningitis transmission dynamics with control measures
JKK Asamoah, F Nyabadza, B Seidu, M Chand, H Dutta
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2018 (1), 2657461, 2018
Optimal control of HIV/AIDS in the workplace in the presence of careless individuals
B Seidu, OD Makinde
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2014 (1), 831506, 2014
Mathematical analysis of the effects of controls on transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2
JKK Asamoah, CS Bornaa, B Seidu, Z Jin
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (6), 5069-5078, 2020
Technical efficiencies of Ghanaian general insurers
E Owusu-Ansah, IK Dontwi, B Seidu, G Abudulai, C Sebil
American journal of social and management sciences 1 (1), 75-87, 2010
Mathematical analysis of the effects of HIV-malaria co-infection on workplace productivity
B Seidu, OD Makinde, IY Seini
Acta Biotheoretica 63, 151-182, 2015
Mathematical analysis of COVID19 transmission dynamics model in Ghana with doubledose vaccination and quarantine
PNA Akuka, B Seidu, CS Bornaa
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2022 (1), 7493087, 2022
Fractal-fractional caputo maize streak virus disease model
J Ackora-Prah, B Seidu, E Okyere, JKK Asamoah
Fractal and Fractional 7 (2), 189, 2023
A comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis of control of maize streak virus disease with Holling’s Type II predation form and standard incidence
B Seidu, JKK Asamoah, EN Wiah, J Ackora-Prah
Results in Physics 40, 105862, 2022
Optimal control dynamics of Gonorrhea in a structured population
JKK Asamoah, B Safianu, E Afrifa, B Obeng, B Seidu, FA Wireko, GQ Sun
Heliyon 9 (10), 2023
Mathematical analysis of rabies infection
CS Bornaa, B Seidu, MI Daabo
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2020 (1), 1804270, 2020
Modelling the Effect of Irresponsible Infective Immigrants on the Transmission Dynamics of
MI Daabo, B Seidu
An Ebola model with hyper-susceptibility
B Seidu, CS Bornaa, OD Makinde
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 138, 109938, 2020
Optimal Strategies for Control of COVID19: A Mathematical Perspective
B Seidu
Scientifica 2020 (1), 4676274, 2020
Mathematical analysis of the effects of controls on the transmission dynamics of anthrax in both animal and human populations
EB Baloba, B Seidu, CS Bornaa
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2020 (1), 1581358, 2020
Threshold quantities and Lyapunov functions for ordinary differential equations epidemic models with mass action and standard incidence functions
B Seidu, OD Makinde, JKK Asamoah
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 170, 113403, 2023
A mathematical model and sensitivity assessment of COVID-19 Outbreak for Ghana and Egypt
JKK Asamoah, Z Jin, B Seidu, GQ Sun, FT Oduro, F Alzahrani
Available at SSRN 3612877, 2020
Modelling the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic in the presence of irresponsible infectives
MI Daabo, OD Makinde, B Seidu
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (51), 11287-11295, 2012
Modelling zoonotic diseases with treatment in both human and animal populations
CS Bornaa, YI Seini, B Seidu
Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci. 2017, Article ID 11, 2017
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