Chenhui Chu
A survey of multilingual neural machine translation
R Dabre, C Chu, A Kunchukuttan
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (5), 1-38, 2020
A survey of domain adaptation for neural machine translation
C Chu, R Wang
COLING 2018, 1304-1319, 2018
An empirical comparison of domain adaptation methods for neural machine translation
C Chu, R Dabre, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2017
Mm-llms: Recent advances in multimodal large language models
D Zhang, Y Yu, J Dong, C Li, D Su, C Chu, D Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.13601, 2024
Overview of the 8th workshop on Asian translation
T Nakazawa, H Nakayama, C Ding, R Dabre, S Higashiyama, H Mino, ...
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Asian Translation, Bangkok, Thailand …, 2021
Bert representations for video question answering
Z Yang, N Garcia, C Chu, M Otani, Y Nakashima, H Takemura
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2020
KnowIT VQA: Answering knowledge-based questions about videos
N Garcia, M Otani, C Chu, Y Nakashima
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (07), 10826 …, 2020
An empirical comparison of simple domain adaptation methods for neural machine translation
C Chu, R Dabre, S Kurohashi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.03214, 2017
Exploiting multilingualism through multistage fine-tuning for low-resource neural machine translation
R Dabre, A Fujita, C Chu
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2019
A dataset and baselines for visual question answering on art
N Garcia, C Ye, Z Liu, Q Hu, M Otani, C Chu, Y Nakashima, T Mitamura
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020 Workshops: Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020 …, 2020
WRIME: A new dataset for emotional intensity estimation with subjective and objective annotations
T Kajiwara, C Chu, N Takemura, Y Nakashima, H Nagahara
Proceedings of the 2021 conference of the North American chapter of the …, 2021
Kyoto university participation to WAT 2016
F Cromieres, C Chu, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2016), 166-174, 2016
Understanding the role of scene graphs in visual question answering
V Damodaran, S Chakravarthy, A Kumar, A Umapathy, T Mitamura, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.05479, 2021
Chinese Characters Mapping Table of Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
C Chu, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
LREC, 2149-2152, 2012
Overview of the 10th Workshop on Asian Translation
T Nakazawa, K Kinugawa, H Mino, I Goto, R Dabre, S Higashiyama, ...
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Asian Translation, 1-28, 2023
Region-attentive multimodal neural machine translation
Y Zhao, M Komachi, T Kajiwara, C Chu
Neurocomputing 476, 1-13, 2022
GCNBoost: Artwork Classification by Label Propagation through a Knowledge Graph
CBE Vaigh, N Garcia, B Renoust, C Chu, Y Nakashima, H Nagahara
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2021 …, 2021
A survey of domain adaptation for machine translation
C Chu, R Wang
Journal of information processing 28, 413-426, 2020
Integrated parallel sentence and fragment extraction from comparable corpora: A case study on Chinese--Japanese Wikipedia
C Chu, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing …, 2015
Constructing a Chinese—Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wikipedia.
C Chu, T Nakazawa, S Kurohashi
LREC, 642-647, 2014
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