Amir Salehi
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Cited by
The relationship between “job satisfaction” and “job performance”: A meta-analysis
A Katebi, MH HajiZadeh, A Bordbar, AM Salehi
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management 23 (1), 21-42, 2022
Assessing the effectiveness of pozzolans in massive high-strength concrete
M Nili, AM Salehi
Construction and Building Materials 24 (11), 2108-2116, 2010
Multiscale modeling of compartmentalized reservoirs using a hybrid clustering-based non-local approach
S Esmaeilzadeh, A Salehi, G Hetz, F Olalotiti-lawal, H Darabi, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 184, 106485, 2020
Thermodynamically consistent transport coefficients for upscaling of compositional processes
A Salehi, DV Voskovand, HA Tchelepi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, SPE-163576-MS, 2013
The effects of steel, polypropylene, and high-performance macro polypropylene fibers on mechanical properties and durability of high-strength concrete
H Hosseinzadeh, AM Salehi, M Mehraein, G Asadollahfardi
Construction and Building Materials 386, 131589, 2023
A General Spatio-Temporal Clustering-Based Non-Local Formulation for Multiscale Modeling of Compartmentalized Reservoirs
S Esmaeilzadeh, A Salehi, G Hetz, F Olalotiti-lawal, H Darabi, ...
SPE Western Regional Meeting, 23-26 April, San Jose, California, USA, 2019
Sustainable use of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash and the treated industrial wastewater in self-compacting concrete
A Taherlou, G Asadollahfardi, AM Salehi, A Katebi
Construction and Building Materials 297, 123814, 2021
Using Data-Driven Technologies to Accelerate the Field Development Planning Process for Mature Field Rejuvenation
J Brown, A Salehi, W Benhallam, S Matringe
SPE Western Regional Meeting, 2017
Deep-learning-based automated stratigraphic correlation
Y Tokpanov, J Smith, Z Ma, L Deng, W Benhallam, A Salehi, X Zhai, ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D022S061R020, 2020
K-values based non-equilibrium formulation for upscaling of compositional simulation
A Salehi, DV Voskov, HA Tchelepi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, D021S008R002, 2017
Study of using micro‐nano bubble to improve workability and durability of self‐compact concrete
B Yahyaei, G Asadollahfardi, AM Salehi
Structural Concrete 23 (1), 579-592, 2022
K-Values-Based Upscaling of Compositional Simulation
A Salehi, DV Voskov, HA Tchelepi
SPE Journal, 2019
Feasibility study of using wash water from ready mixed concrete plant and synthetic wastewater based on tap water with different total dissolved solid to produce self …
M Bahraman, G Asadollahfardi, AM Salehi, B Yahyaei
Journal of Building Engineering 41, 102781, 2021
A comprehensive adaptive forecasting framework for optimum field development planning
A Salehi, G Hetz, F Olalotiti, N Sorek, H Darabi, D Castineira
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D021S015R005, 2019
Upscaling of Compositional Flow Simulation Based on a Non-Equilibrium Formulation
A Salehi
Study of shear‐thickening and shear‐thinning behavior in rheology of self‐compacting concrete with micro‐nano bubble
B Yahyaei, G Asadollahfardi, AM Salehi, N Esmaeili
Structural Concrete 23 (3), 1920-1932, 2022
Application of flow diagnostics to rapid production data integration in complex geologic grids and dual permeability models
F Olalotiti-Lawal, A Salehi, G Hetz, D Castineira
SPE Western Regional Meeting, D041S015R005, 2019
Multi-tank material balance model
SF Matringe, DC Areas, A Salehi
US Patent 9,945,703, 2018
Application of flow diagnostics to rapid production data integration in complex grids and dual-permeability models
F Olalotiti-Lawal, G Hetz, A Salehi, D Castineira
SPE Journal 25 (04), 2000-2020, 2020
Effect of admixtures and supplementary cementitious material on mechanical properties and durability of concrete
G Asadollahfardi, B Yahyaei, AM Salehi, A Ovesi
Civil Engineering Design 2 (1-2), 3-11, 2020
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Articles 1–20