Alexander Ratushny
Cited by
Cited by
Pan-viral specificity of IFN-induced genes reveals new roles for cGAS in innate immunity
JW Schoggins, DA MacDuff, N Imanaka, MD Gainey, B Shrestha, ...
Nature 505 (7485), 691-695, 2014
Human SRMAtlas: a resource of targeted assays to quantify the complete human proteome
U Kusebauch, DS Campbell, EW Deutsch, CS Chu, DA Spicer, ...
Cell 166 (3), 766-778, 2016
A FOXO3–IRF7 gene regulatory circuit limits inflammatory sequelae of antiviral responses
V Litvak, AV Ratushny, AE Lampano, F Schmitz, AC Huang, A Raman, ...
Nature 490 (7420), 421-425, 2012
NUP-1 Is a large coiled-coil nucleoskeletal protein in trypanosomes with lamin-like functions
KN DuBois, S Alsford, JM Holden, J Buisson, M Swiderski, JM Bart, ...
PLoS biology 10 (3), e1001287, 2012
GeneNet in 2005
EA Ananko, NL Podkolodny, IL Stepanenko, OA Podkolodnaya, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 33 (suppl_1), D425-D427, 2005
Role of the histone variant H2A. Z/Htz1p in TBP recruitment, chromatin dynamics, and regulated expression of oleate-responsive genes
Y Wan, RA Saleem, AV Ratushny, O Roda, JJ Smith, CH Lin, JH Chiang, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 29 (9), 2346-2358, 2009
Generalized Hill function method for modeling molecular processes
V Likhoshvai, A Ratushny
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 5 (02b), 521-531, 2007
Systems cell biology
FD Mast, AV Ratushny, JD Aitchison
Journal of Cell Biology 206 (6), 695-706, 2014
Bone marrow microenvironments that contribute to patient outcomes in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: A cohort study of patients in the Total Therapy clinical trials
SA Danziger, M McConnell, J Gockley, MH Young, A Rosenthal, ...
PLoS Medicine 17 (11), e1003323, 2020
Integrated phosphoproteomics analysis of a signaling network governing nutrient response and peroxisome induction
RA Saleem, RS Rogers, AV Ratushny, DJ Dilworth, PT Shannon, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 9 (9), 2076-2088, 2010
Multiple Myeloma DREAM Challenge reveals epigenetic regulator PHF19 as marker of aggressive disease
MJ Mason, C Schinke, CLP Eng, F Towfic, F Gruber, A Dervan, BS White, ...
Leukemia 34 (7), 1866-1874, 2020
Nuclear pore complex evolution: a trypanosome Mlp analogue functions in chromosomal segregation but lacks transcriptional barrier activity
JM Holden, L Koreny, S Obado, AV Ratushny, WM Chen, JH Chiang, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 25 (9), 1421-1436, 2014
Gene regulation and metabolism: postgenomic computational approaches
J Collado-Vides, R Hofestädt
MIT Press, 2002
ADAPTS: Automated deconvolution augmentation of profiles for tissue specific cells
SA Danziger, DL Gibbs, I Shmulevich, M McConnell, MWB Trotter, ...
PLoS One 14 (11), e0224693, 2019
Co-dependence between trypanosome nuclear lamina components in nuclear stability and control of gene expression
L Maishman, SO Obado, S Alsford, JM Bart, WM Chen, AV Ratushny, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 44 (22), 10554-10570, 2016
Control of transcriptional variability by overlapping feed-forward regulatory motifs
AV Ratushny, SA Ramsey, O Roda, Y Wan, JJ Smith, JD Aitchison
Biophysical journal 95 (8), 3715-3723, 2008
Metallochaperones regulate intracellular copper levels
WL Pang, A Kaur, AV Ratushny, A Cvetkovic, S Kumar, M Pan, AP Arkin, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 9 (1), e1002880, 2013
Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cell 2 R47H exacerbates immune response in Alzheimer’s disease brain
O Korvatska, K Kiianitsa, A Ratushny, M Matsushita, N Beeman, ...
Frontiers in immunology 11, 559342, 2020
Integrative network modeling reveals mechanisms underlying T cell exhaustion
H Bolouri, M Young, J Beilke, R Johnson, B Fox, L Huang, CC Santini, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1915, 2020
MAMMOTh: A new database for curated mathematical models of biomolecular systems.
F Kazantsev, I Akberdin, S Lashin, N Ree, V Timonov, A Ratushny, ...
J Bioinform Comput Biol, 2017
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Articles 1–20