Eulàlia Gràcia Mont
Eulàlia Gràcia Mont
Institut de Ciències del Mar - CSIC
在 icm.csic.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Turbidite event history—Methods and implications for Holocene paleoseismicity of the Cascadia subduction zone
C Goldfinger, CH Nelson, AE Morey, JE Johnson, JR Patton, ...
Professional paper, 2012
The quest for the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary west of the Strait of Gibraltar
N Zitellini, E Gràcia, L Matias, P Terrinha, MA Abreu, G DeAlteriis, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 280 (1-4), 13-50, 2009
Three-dimensional distribution of gas hydrate beneath southern Hydrate Ridge: constraints from ODP Leg 204
AM Tréhu, PE Long, ME Torres, G Bohrmann, FR Rack, TS Collett, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (3-4), 845-862, 2004
Holocene earthquake record offshore Portugal (SW Iberia): testing turbidite paleoseismology in a slow-convergence margin
E Gracia, A Vizcaino, C Escutia, A Asioli, A Rodes, R Pallas, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (9-10), 1156-1172, 2010
Source of 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami investigated
N Zitellini, LA Mendes, D Cordoba, J Danobeitia, R Nicolich, G Pellis, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 82 (26), 285-291, 2001
Mapping active faults offshore Portugal (36 N–38 N): implications for seismic hazard assessment along the southwest Iberian margin
E Gràcia, J Dañobeitia, J Vergés, P Team
Geology 31 (1), 83-86, 2003
Crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian margin) at the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates
E Gracia, J Danobeitia, J Vergés, R Bartolomé, D Córdoba
Tectonics 22 (4), 2003
Diagenetic formation of greigite and pyrrhotite in gas hydrate marine sedimentary systems
JC Larrasoaña, AP Roberts, RJ Musgrave, E Gràcia, E Piñero, M Vega, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (3-4), 350-366, 2007
Feeding methane vents and gas hydrate deposits at south Hydrate Ridge
AM Tréhu, PB Flemings, NL Bangs, J Chevallier, E Gràcia, JE Johnson, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (23), 2004
Historical and pre-historical tsunamis in the Mediterranean and its connected seas: Geological signatures, generation mechanisms and coastal impacts
GA Papadopoulos, E Gràcia, R Urgeles, V Sallares, PM De Martini, ...
Marine Geology 354, 81-109, 2014
Active faulting offshore SE Spain (Alboran Sea): Implications for earthquake hazard assessment in the Southern Iberian Margin
E Gràcia, R Pallas, JI Soto, M Comas, X Moreno, E Masana, P Santanach, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (3-4), 734-749, 2006
AMADEUS: advanced manipulation for deep underwater sampling
DM Lane, JBC Davies, G Casalino, G Bartolini, G Cannata, G Veruggio, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 4 (4), 34-45, 1997
Very highresolution seismoacoustic imaging of seagrass meadows (Mediterranean Sea): Implications for carbon sink estimates
C Lo Iacono, MA Mateo, E Gracia, L Guasch, R Carbonell, L Serrano, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (18), 2008
Morphostructure and evolution of the central and eastern Bransfield basins (NW Antarctic Peninsula)
E Gràcia, M Canals, M Lí Farràn, M José Prieto, J Sorribas, G Team
Marine Geophysical Researches 18, 429-448, 1996
The Quaternary active faults database of Iberia (QAFI v. 2.0).
J García-Mayordomo, JM Insua-Arévalo, JJ Martínez-Díaz, ...
Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (1), 285-302, 2012
Non-transform offsets along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Azores (38 N–34 N): ultramafic exposures and hosting of hydrothermal vents
E Gràcia, JL Charlou, J Radford-Knoery, LM Parson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 177 (1-2), 89-103, 2000
Late Holocene rupture of the northern San Andreas fault and possible stress linkage to the Cascadia subduction zone
C Goldfinger, K Grijalva, R Bürgmann, AE Morey, JE Johnson, CH Nelson, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (2), 861-889, 2008
Seismic evidence for the presence of Jurassic oceanic crust in the central Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian margin)
V Sallarès, A Gailler, MA Gutscher, D Graindorge, R Bartolomé, E Gracia, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 311 (1-2), 112-123, 2011
Sediment instability on the Portuguese continental margin under abrupt glacial climate changes (last 60 kyr)
SM Lebreiro, AHL Voelker, A Vizcaino, FG Abrantes, U Alt-Epping, S Jung, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (27-28), 3211-3223, 2009
Seismic evidence of exhumed mantle rock basement at the Gorringe Bank and the adjacent Horseshoe and Tagus abyssal plains (SW Iberia)
V Sallarès, S Martínez-Loriente, M Prada, E Gràcia, C Ranero, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 365, 120-131, 2013
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