Matthew J. Reno
Global Horizontal Irradiance Clear Sky Models: Implementation and Analysis
MJ Reno, CW Hansen, JS Stein
Sandia National Laboratories, 2012
The Variability Index: A New and Novel Metric for Quantifying Irradiance and PV Output Variability
JS Stein, CW Hansen, MJ Reno
World Renewable Energy Forum, Denver, CO, 2012
Identification of periods of clear sky irradiance in time series of GHI measurements
MJ Reno, CW Hansen
Renewable Energy 90, 520-531, 2016
On the Path to SunShot: Emerging Issues and Challenges in Integrating Solar with the Distribution System
B Palmintier, R Broderick, B Mather, M Coddington, K Baker, F Ding, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 2016
Improving Distribution Network PV Hosting Capacity via Smart Inverter Reactive Power Support
J Seuss, MJ Reno, RJ Broderick, S Grijalva
IEEE PES General Meeting, 2015
Characterizing local high-frequency solar variability and its impact to distribution studies
M Lave, MJ Reno, RJ Broderick
Solar Energy 118, 327-337, 2015
Sharing Transient Loads: Causes of Unequal Transient Load Sharing in Islanded Microgrid Operation
A Paquette, M Reno, R Harley, D Divan
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 2013
Time Series Power Flow Analysis for Distribution Connected PV Generation
RJ Broderick, JE Quiroz, MJ Reno, A Ellis, J Smith, R Dugan
Sandia National Laboratories SAND2013-0537, 2013
Leveraging AMI Data for Distribution System Model Calibration and Situational Awareness
J Peppanen, MJ Reno, M Thakkar, S Grijalva, RG Harley
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2015
Influence of Inverter-Based Resources on Microgrid Protection: Part 1: Microgrids in Radial Distribution Systems
MJ Reno, S Brahma, A Bidram, ME Ropp
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 19 (3), 36-46, 2021
Motivation and Requirements for Quasi-Static Time Series (QSTS) for Distribution System Analysis
MJ Reno, J Deboever, B Mather
IEEE PES General Meeting, 2017
Handling Bad or Missing Smart Meter Data through Advanced Data Imputation
J Peppanen, X Zhang, S Grijalva, MJ Reno
IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2016
Distribution System Model Calibration With Big Data From AMI and PV Inverters
J Peppanen, MJ Reno, RJ Broderick, S Grijalva
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016
Smart inverter capabilities for mitigating over-voltage on distribution systems with high penetrations of PV
MJ Reno, RJ Broderick, S Grijalva
IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2013
DC Microgrid Protection: Review and Challenges
S Augustine, JE Quiroz, MJ Reno, S Brahma
Sandia National Laboratories, 2018
Time Series Simulation of Voltage Regulation Device Control Modes.
JE Quiroz, MJ Reno, RJ Broderick
IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2013
Fault current control and protection in a standalone DC microgrid using adaptive droop and current derivative
S Augustine, MJ Reno, SM Brahma, O Lavrova
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (3 …, 2020
Distribution System Low-Voltage Circuit Topology Estimation using Smart Metering Data
J Peppanen, MJ Reno, R Broderick, S Grijalva
IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition, 2016
Distribution System Parameter and Topology Estimation Applied to Resolve Low-Voltage Circuits on Three Real Distribution Feeders
M Lave, MJ Reno, J Peppanen
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (3), 1585-1592, 2019
Locational Dependence of PV Hosting Capacity Correlated with Feeder Load
K Coogan, MJ Reno, S Grijalva, RJ Broderick
IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference, 2014
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