Stephen P. Ferris
Stephen P. Ferris
Ball State University
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Too busy to mind the business? Monitoring by directors with multiple board appointments
SP Ferris, M Jagannathan, AC Pritchard
The Journal of finance 58 (3), 1087-1111, 2003
Agency conflict and corporate strategy: The effect of divestment on corporate value
P Wright, SP Ferris
Strategic management journal 18 (1), 77-83, 1997
Impact of corporate insider, blockholder, and institutional equity ownership on firm risk taking
P Wright, SP Ferris, A Sarin, V Awasthi
Academy of Management journal 39 (2), 441-458, 1996
Competitiveness through management of diversity: Effects on stock price valuation
P Wright, SP Ferris, JS Hiller, M Kroll
Academy of Management Journal 38 (1), 272-287, 1995
CEO overconfidence and international merger and acquisition activity
SP Ferris, N Jayaraman, S Sabherwal
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48 (1), 137-164, 2013
Predicting contemporary volume with historic volume at differential price levels: Evidence supporting the disposition effect
SP Ferris, RA Haugen, AK Makhija
The Journal of finance 43 (3), 677-697, 1988
The costs (and benefits?) of diversified business groups: The case of Korean chaebols
SP Ferris, KA Kim, P Kitsabunnarat
Journal of Banking & Finance 27 (2), 251-273, 2003
Derivative lawsuits as a corporate governance mechanism: Empirical evidence on board changes surrounding filings
SP Ferris, T Jandik, RM Lawless, A Makhija
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 42 (1), 143-165, 2007
The effect of 12b-1 plans on mutual fund expense ratios: A note
SP Ferris, DM Chance
The journal of Finance 42 (4), 1077-1082, 1987
Catering effects in corporate dividend policy: The international evidence
SP Ferris, N Jayaraman, S Sabherwal
Journal of Banking & Finance 33 (9), 1730-1738, 2009
God save the queen and her dividends: Corporate payouts in the United Kingdom
SP Ferris, N Sen, HP Yui
the Journal of Business 79 (3), 1149-1173, 2006
The effect of issuer conservatism on IPO pricing and performance
SP Ferris, Q Hao, MY Liao
Review of Finance 17 (3), 993-1027, 2013
Firm value and marketability discounts
M Bajaj, DJ Denis, SP Ferris, A Sarin
J. Corp. L. 27, 89, 2001
The response of competitors to announcements of bankruptcy: An empirical examination of contagion and competitive effects
SP Ferris, N Jayaraman, AK Makhija
Journal of corporate finance 3 (4), 367-395, 1997
Do independent directors and chairmen matter? The role of boards of directors in mutual fund governance
SP Ferris, XS Yan
Journal of Corporate Finance 13 (2-3), 392-420, 2007
The information effects of analyst activity at the announcement of new equity issues
R D'Mello, SP Ferris
Financial Management, 78-95, 2000
Hold your bets: Another look at the efficiency of the gambling market for National Football League games
RD Sauer, V Brajer, SP Ferris, MW Marr
Journal of Political Economy 96 (1), 206-213, 1988
An international analysis of dividend smoothing
D Javakhadze, SP Ferris, N Sen
Journal of Corporate Finance 29, 200-220, 2014
Social capital, investments, and external financing
D Javakhadze, SP Ferris, DW French
Journal of Corporate Finance 37, 38-55, 2016
The effect of aviation disasters on the air transport industry: a financial market perspective
DM Chance, SP Ferris
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 151-165, 1987
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Articles 1–20