Zhi Yu
Zhi Yu
在 zju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Hierarchical graph pooling with structure learning
Z Zhang, J Bu, M Ester, J Zhang, C Yao, Z Yu, C Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05954, 2019
Friend recommendation with content spread enhancement in social networks
Z Yu, C Wang, J Bu, X Wang, Y Wu, C Chen
Information Sciences 309, 102-118, 2015
Sentiprompt: Sentiment knowledge enhanced prompt-tuning for aspect-based sentiment analysis
C Li, F Gao, J Bu, L Xu, X Chen, Y Gu, Z Shao, Q Zheng, N Zhang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08306, 2021
Adaptive-step graph meta-learner for few-shot graph classification
N Ma, J Bu, J Yang, Z Zhang, C Yao, Z Yu, S Zhou, X Yan
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2020
Hierarchical multi-view graph pooling with structure learning
Z Zhang, J Bu, M Ester, J Zhang, Z Li, C Yao, H Dai, Z Yu, C Wang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (1), 545-559, 2021
H2mn: Graph similarity learning with hierarchical hypergraph matching networks
Z Zhang, J Bu, M Ester, Z Li, C Yao, Z Yu, C Wang
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery & data …, 2021
LayoutLLM: Layout Instruction Tuning with Large Language Models for Document Understanding
C Luo, Y Shen, Z Zhu, Q Zheng, Z Yu, C Yao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Image search with text feedback by deep hierarchical attention mutual information maximization
C Gu, J Bu, Z Zhang, Z Yu, D Ma, W Wang
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 4600-4609, 2021
An end-to-end ocr text re-organization sequence learning for rich-text detail image comprehension
L Li, F Gao, J Bu, Y Wang, Z Yu, Q Zheng
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Evaluate accessibility and usability issues of particular China and Pakistan government websites
M Bilal, Z Yu, S Song, C Wang
2019 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data …, 2019
FedCrack: federated transfer learning with unsupervised representation for crack detection
X Jin, J Bu, Z Yu, H Zhang, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (10), 11171-11184, 2023
Crowdsourcing-based Web accessibility evaluation with golden maximum likelihood inference
S Song, J Bu, A Artmeier, K Shi, Y Wang, Z Yu, C Wang
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-21, 2018
Cross-modal image retrieval with deep mutual information maximization
C Gu, J Bu, X Zhou, C Yao, D Ma, Z Yu, X Yan
Neurocomputing 496, 166-177, 2022
FlexTruss: A Computational Threading Method for Multi-material, Multi-form and Multi-use Prototyping
L Sun, J Li, Y Chen, Y Yang, Z Yu, D Luo, J Gu, L Yao, Y Tao, G Wang
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Reliability aware web accessibility experience metric
S Song, J Bu, C Shen, A Artmeier, Z Yu, Q Zhou
Proceedings of the 15th International Web for All Conference, 1-4, 2018
WAEM: a web accessibility evaluation metric based on partial user experience order
S Song, C Wang, L Li, Z Yu, X Lin, J Bu
Proceedings of the 14th International Web for All Conference, 1-4, 2017
A sampling method based on URL clustering for fast web accessibility evaluation
M Zhang, C Wang, J Bu, Z Yu, Y Zhou, C Chen
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 16 (6), 449-456, 2015
Improving topic disentanglement via contrastive learning
X Zhou, J Bu, S Zhou, Z Yu, J Zhao, X Yan
Information Processing & Management 60 (2), 103164, 2023
Dynamic data-free knowledge distillation by easy-to-hard learning strategy
J Li, S Zhou, L Li, H Wang, J Bu, Z Yu
Information Sciences 642, 119202, 2023
LORE: logical location regression network for table structure recognition
H Xing, F Gao, R Long, J Bu, Q Zheng, L Li, C Yao, Z Yu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (3), 2992-3000, 2023
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