Mindi Thompson
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Cited by
The relation of social status to the career decision-making process
MN Thompson, LM Subich
Journal of Vocational Behavior 69 (2), 289-301, 2006
Perceived social status and learning experiences in social cognitive career theory
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling
Journal of vocational behavior 80 (2), 351-361, 2012
Financial strain and regional unemployment as barriers to job search self-efficacy: A test of social cognitive career theory.
JJ Dahling, R Melloy, MN Thompson
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (2), 210, 2013
Precursors of learning experiences in social cognitive career theory
DM Tokar, MN Thompson, MR Plaufcan, CM Williams
Journal of Vocational Behavior 71 (3), 319-339, 2007
Enhancing the career development of individuals who have criminal records
MN Thompson, DL Cummings
The Career Development Quarterly 58 (3), 209-218, 2010
Integrating job loss, unemployment, and reemployment with social cognitive career theory
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling, MY Chin, RC Melloy
Journal of Career Assessment 25 (1), 40-57, 2017
Recognizing social class in the psychotherapy relationship: A grounded theory exploration of low-income clients.
MN Thompson, OD Cole, RS Nitzarim
Journal of counseling psychology 59 (2), 208, 2012
Employment and poverty: Why work matters in understanding poverty.
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling
American Psychologist 74 (6), 673, 2019
Native American undergraduate students' persistence intentions: A psychosociocultural perspective.
MN Thompson, M Johnson-Jennings, RS Nitzarim
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 19 (2), 218, 2013
College student psychological distress: Relationship to self‐esteem and career decision self‐efficacy beliefs
MN Thompson, P Her, AK Fetter, J Perez‐Chavez
The Career Development Quarterly 67 (4), 282-297, 2019
Social status identity: Antecedents and vocational outcomes
MN Thompson, LM Subich
The Counseling Psychologist 39 (5), 735-763, 2011
Contextual supports and barriers to academic choices: A policy-capturing analysis
JJ Dahling, MN Thompson
Journal of vocational behavior 77 (3), 374-382, 2010
Image theory and career aspirations: Indirect and interactive effects of status-related variables
MN Thompson, JJ Dahling
Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (1), 21-29, 2010
Career barriers and coping efficacy among Native American students
MN Thompson
Journal of Career Assessment 21 (2), 311-325, 2013
Exploration and validation of the differential status identity scale
MN Thompson, LM Subich
Journal of Career Assessment 15 (2), 227-239, 2007
Detrimental relations of maximization with academic and career attitudes
JJ Dahling, MN Thompson
Journal of Career Assessment 21 (2), 278-294, 2013
Development and exploration of the experiences with classism scale
MN Thompson, LM Subich
Journal of Career Assessment 21 (1), 139-158, 2013
Clinical experiences with clients who are low-income: Mental health practitioners’ perspectives
MN Thompson, RS Nitzarim, OD Cole, ND Frost, A Ramirez Stege, ...
Qualitative Health Research 25 (12), 1675-1688, 2015
Personal and contextual variables related to work hope among undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds
MN Thompson, P Her, RS Nitzarim
Journal of Career Assessment 22 (4), 595-609, 2014
A grounded theory exploration of undergraduate experiences of vicarious unemployment.
MN Thompson, RS Nitzarim, P Her, JJ Dahling
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (3), 421, 2013
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Articles 1–20