Sergey Bochkarev
Sergey Bochkarev
Research Fellow, PN Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
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Ion acceleration in expanding multispecies plasmas
VY Bychenkov, VN Novikov, D Batani, VT Tikhonchuk, SG Bochkarev
Physics of Plasmas 11 (6), 3242-3250, 2004
Ion acceleration in short-laser-pulse interaction with solid foils
VT Tikhonchuk, AA Andreev, SG Bochkarev, VY Bychenkov
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 (Number 12B), B869, 2005
Self-channelling of relativistic laser pulses in large-scale underdense plasmas
N Naseri, SG Bochkarev, W Rozmus
Physics of Plasmas 17 (3), 2010
Acceleration of electrons by tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses
SG Bochkarev, VY Bychenkov
Quantum Electronics 37 (3), 273, 2007
Nonlinear Thomson scattering of a relativistically strong tightly focused ultrashort laser pulse
OE Vais, SG Bochkarev, VY Bychenkov
Plasma Physics Reports 42, 818-833, 2016
Laser-triggered ion acceleration from a double-layer foil
AV Brantov, VT Tikhonchuk, VY Bychenkov, SG Bochkarev
Physics of Plasmas 16 (4), 2009
Vacuum electron acceleration by a tightly focused, radially polarized, relativistically strong laser pulse
SG Bochkarev, KI Popov, VY Bychenkov
Plasma physics reports 37, 603-614, 2011
Electron acceleration by few-cycle laser pulses with single-wavelength spot size
GI Dudnikova, VY Bychenkov, A Maksimchuk, G Mourou, J Nees, ...
Physical Review E 67 (2), 026416, 2003
Stochastic electron acceleration in plasma waves driven by a high-power subpicosecond laser pulse
SG Bochkarev, AV Brantov, VY Bychenkov, DV Torshin, VF Kovalev, ...
Plasma Physics Reports 40, 202-214, 2014
Effect of Relativistic Plasma on Extreme-Ultraviolet Harmonic Emission<? format?> from Intense Laser-Matter Interactions
K Krushelnick, W Rozmus, U Wagner, FN Beg, SG Bochkarev, EL Clark, ...
Physical Review Letters 100 (12), 125005, 2008
Accelerated electrons for in situ peak intensity monitoring of tightly focused femtosecond laser radiation at high intensities
KA Ivanov, IN Tsymbalov, OE Vais, SG Bochkarev, RV Volkov, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 (10), 105011, 2018
Growth and propagation of self-generated magnetic dipole vortices in collisionless shocks produced by interpenetrating plasmas
N Naseri, SG Bochkarev, P Ruan, VY Bychenkov, V Khudik, G Shvets
Physics of Plasmas 25 (1), 2018
Investigation of ion acceleration in an expanding laser plasma by using a hybrid Boltzmann-Vlasov-Poisson model
SG Bochkarev, VY Bychenkov, VT Tikhonchuk
Plasma physics reports 32, 205-221, 2006
Ion energy spectra directly measured in the interaction volume of intense laser pulses with clustered plasma
S Bochkarev, A Faenov, T Pikuz, AV Brantov, VF Kovalev, I Skobelev, ...
Sci. Rep 8, 9404, 2018
Laser-triggered stochastic volumetric heating of sub-microwire array target
DA Gozhev, SG Bochkarev, NI Busleev, AV Brantov, SI Kudryashov, ...
High Energy Density Physics 37, 100856, 2020
Stochastic electron heating in an interference field of several laser pulses of a picosecond duration
SG Bochkarev, E d’Humières, VT Tikhonchuk, P Korneev, VY Bychenkov
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 (2), 025015, 2019
Angular distribution of electrons directly accelerated by an intense tightly focused laser pulse
OE Vais, SG Bochkarev, S Ter-Avetisyan, VY Bychenkov
Quantum Electronics 47 (1), 38-41, 2017
Neutron production from structured targets irradiated by an ultrashort laser pulse
SG Bochkarev, AB Brantov, DA Gozhev, VY Bychenkov
Journal of Russian Laser Research 42, 292-303, 2021
Electron Heating of the Cluster Plasma by an Ultrashort Laser Pulse
BVY Gozhev D. A., Bochkarev S. G.
JETP Letters 114, 200-207, 2021
Efficiency enhancement of thermonuclear DD reaction in femtosecond laser plasma with the use of structured low-average-density targets
KA Ivanov, SA Shulyapov, IN Tsymbalov, AA Akunets, NG Borisenko, ...
Quantum Electronics 50 (2), 169, 2020
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Articles 1–20