Bill Pengyuan Zhai
Bill Pengyuan Zhai
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Cited by
Balanced semisupervised generative adversarial network for damage assessment from low‐data imbalanced‐class regime
Y Gao, P Zhai, KM Mosalam
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (9), 1094-1113, 2021
CTRL: Closed-Loop Transcription to an LDR via Minimaxing Rate Reduction
X Dai, S Tong, M Li, Z Wu, M Psenka, KHR Chan, P Zhai, Y Yu, X Yuan, ...
Entropy 24 (4), 456, 2022
Revisiting sparse convolutional model for visual recognition
M Li, P Zhai, S Tong, X Gao, SL Huang, Z Zhu, C You, Y Ma
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 10492-10504, 2022
Text Analytics for Resilience-Enabled Extreme Events Reconnaissance
AY Tsai, S Gunay, M Hwang, P Zhai, C Li, LE Ghaoui, KM Mosalam
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.13087, 2020
NFNet: Non-interacting Fermion Network for Efficient Simulation of Large-scale Quantum Systems
P Zhai, S Yelin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05779, 2022
Announcing the 2021 Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing
Y Gao, P Zhai, KM Mosalam, O Reed
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (9), 1094-1113, 2021
Revisiting Sparse Convolutional Model for Visual Recognition–Supplementary Material–
X Dai, M Li, P Zhai, S Tong, X Gao, SL Huang, Z Zhu, C You, Y Ma
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