Timothy A Machado
Timothy A Machado
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Simultaneous denoising, deconvolution, and demixing of calcium imaging data
EA Pnevmatikakis, D Soudry, Y Gao, TA Machado, J Merel, D Pfau, ...
Neuron 89 (2), 285-299, 2016
Cortical layer–specific critical dynamics triggering perception
JH Marshel*, YS Kim*, TA Machado*, S Quirin*, B Benson, J Kadmon, ...
Science 365 (6453), eaaw5202, 2019
Fast nonnegative deconvolution for spike train inference from population calcium imaging
JT Vogelstein, AM Packer, TA Machado, T Sippy, B Babadi, R Yuste, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 104 (6), 3691-3704, 2010
Functional connectivity in the retina at the resolution of photoreceptors
GD Field, JL Gauthier, A Sher, M Greschner, TA Machado, LH Jepson, ...
Nature 467 (7316), 673-677, 2010
Spinal Inhibitory Interneuron Diversity Delineates Variant Motor Microcircuits
JB Bikoff, MI Gabitto, AF Rivard, E Drobac, TA Machado, A Miri, ...
Cell 165 (1), 207-219, 2016
Community-based benchmarking improves spike rate inference from two-photon calcium imaging data
P Berens, J Freeman, T Deneux, N Chenkov, T McColgan, A Speiser, ...
PLOS Computational Biology 14 (5), e1006157, 2018
Efficient coding of spatial information in the primate retina
E Doi, JL Gauthier, GD Field, J Shlens, A Sher, M Greschner, TA Machado, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (46), 16256-16264, 2012
Cortical Observation by Synchronous Multifocal Optical Sampling Reveals Widespread Population Encoding of Actions
IV Kauvar*, TA Machado*, E Yuen, J Kochalka, M Choi, WE Allen, ...
Neuron, 2020
System and method for measuring the movements of articulated rigid bodies
P Kaifosh, T Machado, T Reardon, E Schomburg, C Tong
US Patent 11,337,652, 2022
Primacy of Flexor Locomotor Pattern Revealed by Ancestral Reversion of Motor Neuron Identity
TA Machado, E Pnevmatikakis, L Paninski, TM Jessell, A Miri
Cell 162 (2), 338-350, 2015
Methods and apparatus for predicting musculo-skeletal position information using wearable autonomous sensors
P Kaifosh, T Machado, T Reardon, E Schomburg
US Patent 10,990,174, 2021
Adaptive system for deriving control signals from measurements of neuromuscular activity
P Kaifosh, T Machado, T Reardon, E Schomburg, J Merel, S Demers
US Patent 11,000,211, 2021
Methods and apparatus for inferring user intent based on neuromuscular signals
P Kaifosh, T Machado, T Reardon, E Schomburg
US Patent 10,409,371, 2019
Systems and methods for identifying biological structures associated with neuromuscular source signals
P Kaifosh, T Giurgica-Tiron, T Machado, T Reardon, E Schomburg
US Patent App. 16/165,841, 2019
Multiregion neuronal activity: the forest and the trees
TA Machado, IV Kauvar, K Deisseroth
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23 (11), 683-704, 2022
Clustered factor analysis of multineuronal spike data
L Buesing, TA Machado, JP Cunningham, L Paninski
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 3500-3508, 2014
CloudReg: automatic terabyte-scale cross-modal brain volume registration
V Chandrashekhar, DJ Tward, D Crowley, AK Crow, MA Wright, ...
Nature methods 18 (8), 845-846, 2021
Rank-penalized nonnegative spatiotemporal deconvolution and demixing of calcium imaging data
E Pnevmatikakis, T Machado, L Grosenick, B Poole, J Vogelstein, ...
Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting COSYNE, 2013
Methods and apparatus for inferring user intent based on neuromuscular signals
P Kaifosh, T Machado, T Reardon, E Schomburg
US Patent 10,656,711, 2020
Robust and scalable Bayesian analysis of spatial neural tuning function data
KR Rad, TA Machado, L Paninski
The Annals of Applied Statistics 11 (2), 598-637, 2017
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