Matthew K O Lee
A trust model for consumer internet shopping
MKO Lee, E Turban
International Journal of electronic commerce 6 (1), 75-91, 2001
Online social networks: Why do students use facebook?
CMK Cheung, PY Chiu, MKO Lee
Computers in human behavior 27 (4), 1337-1343, 2011
The impact of electronic wordofmouth: The adoption of online opinions in online customer communities
CMK Cheung, MKO Lee, N Rabjohn
Internet research 18 (3), 229-247, 2008
Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
MKO Lee, CMK Cheung, Z Chen
Information & management 42 (8), 1095-1104, 2005
What drives consumers to spread electronic word of mouth in online consumer-opinion platforms
CMK Cheung, MKO Lee
Decision support systems 53 (1), 218-225, 2012
A theoretical model of intentional social action in online social networks
CMK Cheung, MKO Lee
Decision support systems 49 (1), 24-30, 2010
Examining the influence of online reviews on consumers' decision-making: A heuristic–systematic model
KZK Zhang, SJ Zhao, CMK Cheung, MKO Lee
Decision support systems 67, 78-89, 2014
A framework of ERP systems implementation success in China: An empirical study
Z Zhang, MKO Lee, P Huang, L Zhang, X Huang
International journal of production economics 98 (1), 56-80, 2005
Exploring consumers’ impulse buying behavior on social commerce platform: The role of parasocial interaction
L Xiang, X Zheng, MKO Lee, D Zhao
International journal of information management 36 (3), 333-347, 2016
Consumer privacy concerns about Internet marketing
H Wang, MKO Lee, C Wang
Communications of the ACM 41 (3), 63-70, 1998
Do I trust you online, and if so, will I buy? An empirical study of two trust-building strategies
KH Lim, CL Sia, MKO Lee, I Benbasat
Journal of management information systems 23 (2), 233-266, 2006
Critical success factors of enterprise resource planning systems implementation success in China
L Zhang, MKO Lee, Z Zhang, P Banerjee
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Building brand loyalty through user engagement in online brand communities in social networking sites
X Zheng, CMK Cheung, MKO Lee, L Liang
Information Technology & People 28 (1), 90-106, 2015
Understanding consumer trust in Internet shopping: A multidisciplinary approach
CMK Cheung, MKO Lee
Journal of the American society for Information Science and Technology 57 (4 …, 2006
Consumer's decision to shop online: The moderating role of positive informational social influence
MKO Lee, N Shi, CMK Cheung, KH Lim, CL Sia
Information & management 48 (6), 185-191, 2011
Web strategies to promote internet shopping: is cultural-customization needed?
CL Sia, KH Lim, K Leung, MKO Lee, WW Huang, I Benbasat
Mis Quarterly, 491-512, 2009
EC-trust (trust in electronic commerce): exploring the antecedent factors
R Fung, M Lee
Trust in internet shopping: instrument development and validation through classical and modern approaches
CM Cheung, MK Lee
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 9 (3), 23-35, 2001
Understanding the sustainability of a virtual community: model development and empirical test
CMK Cheung, MKO Lee
Journal of Information Science 35 (3), 279-298, 2009
Is eCommerce boundary-less? Effects of individualism–collectivism and uncertainty avoidance on Internet shopping
KH Lim, K Leung, CL Sia, MKO Lee
Journal of International Business Studies 35, 545-559, 2004
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