Áron Anton
Áron Anton
Manager, Biostatistics at PPD, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Advances in understanding environmental risks of red mud after the Ajka spill, Hungary
WM Mayes, IT Burke, HI Gomes, ÁD Anton, M Molnár, V Feigl, É Ujaczki
Journal of sustainable metallurgy 2, 332-343, 2016
Ecotoxicity of fluvial sediments downstream of the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary
O Klebercz, WM Mayes, ÁD Anton, V Feigl, AP Jarvis, K Gruiz
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14 (8), 2063-2071, 2012
Results of the clean-up operation to reduce pollution on flooded agricultural fields after the red mud spill in Hungary
N Uzinger, ÁD Anton, K Ötvös, P Tamás, A Anton
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 9849-9857, 2015
Geochemical recovery of the Torna–Marcal river system after the Ajka red mud spill, Hungary
AD Anton, O Klebercz, A Magyar, IT Burke, AP Jarvis, K Gruiz, WM Mayes
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16 (12), 2677-2685, 2014
Body composition assessment of Crohn’s outpatients and comparison with gender-and age-specific multiple matched control pairs
A Molnár, ÁA Csontos, I Kovács, ÁD Anton, E Pálfi, P Miheller
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 71 (10), 1246-1250, 2017
National assessment of sediment-related diffuse mining pollution in England and Wales
WM Mayes, AD Anton, C Thomas, HAB Potter, S Rudall, J Amezaga, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage …, 2015
Monitoring the clean-up operation of agricultural fields flooded with red mud in Hungary
N Uzinger, M Rékási, ÁD Anton, S Koós, P László, A Anton
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 23573-23581, 2016
Body composition assessment of Crohn’s outpatients and comparison with gender-and age-specific multiple matched Q1 control pairs
M Andrea, CÁ Anna, I Kovács, ÁD Anton, P Erzsébet, M Pál
National assessment of diffuse mining pollution in England and Wales
WM Mayes, AD Anton, C Thomas, HAB Potter, S Rudall, JM Amezaga, ...
10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference, 2015
A blend of bioash and gypsum utilized for agro-environmental purposes in a soil incubation experiment
M Rékási, N Uzinger, ÁD Anton, O Szécsy, T Fülöp, A Anton
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 13 (1), 205-218, 2014
Ecoesferas: una propuesta de modelización en el ámbito de la escuela de Caminos
Á Anton, G de Julián, A Delicado, P Sánchez, D Valero, LMG Raffi, ...
Modelling in Science Education and Learning 6, 21-31, 2013
Environmental Science Processes & Impacts
ÁD Anton, O Klebercz, Á Magyar, IT Burke, AP Jarvis, K Gruiz, WM Mayes, ...
A Anton, G de Julián, A Delicado, P Sánchez, D Valero, LMG Raffi, ...
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