Raquel Sanz-Valle
Cited by
Cited by
Innovation, organizational learning, and performance
D Jiménez-Jiménez, R Sanz-Valle
Journal of business research 64 (4), 408-417, 2011
Innovation or imitation? The role of organizational culture
JC Naranjo‐Valencia, D Jiménez‐Jiménez, R Sanz‐Valle
Management decision 49 (1), 55-72, 2011
Studying the links between organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies
JC Naranjo-Valencia, D Jiménez-Jiménez, R Sanz-Valle
Revista latinoamericana de psicología 48 (1), 30-41, 2016
Effects of training on business results1
A Aragon-Sanchez, I Barba-Aragon, R Sanz-Valle
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14 (6), 956-980, 2003
Organizational culture as determinant of product innovation
JC Naranjo Valencia, R Sanz Valle, D Jiménez Jiménez
European journal of innovation management 13 (4), 466-480, 2010
Fostering innovation: the role of market orientation and organizational learning
D Jiménez-Jimenez, RS Valle, M Hernandez-Espallardo
European Journal of Innovation Management 11 (3), 389-412, 2008
Could HRM support organizational innovation?
D Jimenez-Jimenez, R Sanz-Valle
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (7), 1208-1221, 2008
Innovation and human resource management fit: an empirical study
D Jimenez-Jimenez, R Sanz-Valle
International Journal of Manpower 26 (4), 364-381, 2005
Linking organizational learning with technical innovation and organizational culture
R Sanz‐Valle, JC Naranjo‐Valencia, D Jiménez‐Jiménez, ...
Journal of knowledge management 15 (6), 997-1015, 2011
Training and performance: The mediating role of organizational learning
MIB Aragón, DJ Jiménez, RS Valle
BRQ business research quarterly 17 (3), 161-173, 2014
¿ Es la cultura organizativa un determinante de la innovación en la empresa?
JC Naranjo-Valencia, D Jiménez Jiménez, R Sanz-Valle
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 2011
Antecedents of repatriates' job satisfaction and its influence on turnover intentions: Evidence from Spanish repatriated managers
MES Vidal, RS Valle, MIB Aragón
Journal of Business Research 60 (12), 1272-1281, 2007
Studying the effect of HRM practices on the knowledge management process
D Jimenez‐Jimenez, R Sanz‐Valle
Personnel review 42 (1), 28-49, 2012
La gestión estratégica de los recursos humanos
A Aragón Sánchez, MLF Alles, FM Alcazar, GS Marın, RS Valle, ...
Madrid: Person educación SA, 2004
Innovación, aprendizaje organizativo y resultados empresariales: un estudio empírico
D Jiménez Jiménez, R Sanz Valle
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, 31-55, 2006
Knowledge management practices for innovation: a multinational corporation’s perspective
D Jiménez-Jiménez, M Martínez-Costa, R Sanz-Valle
Journal of knowledge management 18 (5), 905-918, 2014
HRM and product innovation: does innovative work behaviour mediate that relationship?
R Sanz-Valle, D Jiménez-Jiménez
Management Decision 56 (6), 1417-1429, 2018
Human resource management and business strategy links: an empirical study
R Sanz-Valle, R Sabater-Sanchez, A Aragon-Sanchez
International Journal of Human Resource Management 10 (4), 655-671, 1999
Organizational culture and radical innovation: Does innovative behavior mediate this relationship?
JC Naranjo‐Valencia, D Jimenez‐Jimenez, R Sanz‐Valle
Creativity and Innovation Management 26 (4), 407-417, 2017
Does training managers pay off?
IB Aragon, RS Valle
Taylor & Francis Group, 2012
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Articles 1–20