Mathew Y.H. Wong
Cited by
Cited by
Gender differences in happiness and life satisfaction among adolescents in Hong Kong: Relationships and self-concept
WH Chui, MYH Wong
Social Indicators Research 125, 1035-1051, 2016
Understanding youth activism and radicalism: Chinese values and socialization
MYH Wong, PV Khiatani, WH Chui
The Social Science Journal 56 (2), 255-267, 2019
Public spending, corruption, and income inequality: A comparative analysis of Asia and Latin America
MYH Wong
International Political Science Review 38 (3), 298-315, 2017
Avoiding disappointment or fulfilling expectation: A study of gender, academic achievement, and family functioning among Hong Kong adolescents
WH Chui, MYH Wong
Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, 48-56, 2017
Academic censorship in China: The case of the China Quarterly
MYH Wong, Y Kwong
PS: Political Science & Politics 52 (2), 287-292, 2019
The politics of the minimum wage in Hong Kong
MYH Wong
Journal of Contemporary Asia 44 (4), 735-752, 2014
Globalization, spending and income inequality in Asia Pacific
MYH Wong
Journal of Comparative Asian Development 15 (1), 1-18, 2016
State size and democratization in hybrid regimes: the Chinese island cities of Macau and Hong Kong
Y Kwong, MYH Wong
Island Studies Journal 12 (2), 113-116, 2017
Party models in a hybrid regime: Hong Kong 2007–2012
MYH Wong
China Review 15 (1), 67-94, 2015
Political consumerism in Hong Kong: China’s economic intervention, identity politics, or political participation?
MYH Wong, Y Kwong, EKF Chan
China Perspectives, 61-71, 2021
Democracy, hybrid regimes, and inequality: The divergent effects of contestation and inclusiveness
MYH Wong
World Development 146, 105606, 2021
Hong Kong’s new wave of migration: socio-political factors of individuals’ intention to emigrate
AKW Chan, LTO Cheung, EK Chong, MYK Lee, MYH Wong
Comparative migration studies 10 (1), 49, 2022
Comparative Hong Kong politics: A guidebook for students and researchers
MYH Wong
Springer, 2017
Performance, factions, and promotion in China: the role of provincial transfers
MYH Wong
Journal of Chinese Political Science 27 (1), 41-75, 2022
Association between parents’ marital status and the development of purpose, hope, and self-esteem in adolescents in Hong Kong
WH Chui, MYH Wong
Journal of Family Issues 38 (6), 820-838, 2017
Democratic persistence and inequality: The role of foreign direct investments
MYH Wong
Studies in Comparative International Development 51, 103-123, 2016
Democracy, constitutional framework, and human rights: A comparison of Monaco, Tonga, Hong Kong, and Singapore
MYH Wong, Y Kwong, VYW Chau
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 64, 100438, 2021
One formula, different trajectories: China’s coalition-building and elite dynamics in Hong Kong and Macau
MYH Wong, Y Kwong
Critical Asian Studies 52 (1), 44-66, 2020
Income inequality and political participation: A district-level analysis of Hong Kong elections
MYH Wong, SHW Wong
Social Indicators Research 162 (3), 959-977, 2022
Selectorate theory in hybrid regimes: comparing Hong Kong and Singapore
MYH Wong
Government and Opposition 53 (4), 707-734, 2018
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Articles 1–20