Matthew Smuck
Matthew Smuck
Chief of PM&R, Stanford University
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A randomized trial of epidural glucocorticoid injections for spinal stenosis
JL Friedly, BA Comstock, JA Turner, PJ Heagerty, RA Deyo, SD Sullivan, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 371 (1), 11-21, 2014
Consensus practice guidelines on interventions for lumbar facet joint pain from a multispecialty, international working group
SP Cohen, A Bhaskar, A Bhatia, A Buvanendran, T Deer, S Garg, ...
Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 45 (6), 424-467, 2020
The emerging clinical role of wearables: factors for successful implementation in healthcare
M Smuck, CA Odonkor, JK Wilt, N Schmidt, MA Swiernik
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 1-8, 2021
Does physical activity influence the relationship between low back pain and obesity?
M Smuck, MCJ Kao, N Brar, A Martinez-Ith, J Choi, CC Tomkins-Lane
The Spine Journal 14 (2), 209-216, 2014
A proposed set of metrics for standardized outcome reporting in the management of low back pain
RC Clement, A Welander, C Stowell, TD Cha, JL Chen, M Davies, ...
Acta orthopaedica 86 (5), 523-533, 2015
ISSLS prize winner: consensus on the clinical diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis: results of an international Delphi study
C Tomkins-Lane, M Melloh, J Lurie, M Smuck, MC Battié, B Freeman, ...
Spine 41 (15), 1239-1246, 2016
A prospective, randomized, multicenter study of intraosseous basivertebral nerve ablation for the treatment of chronic low back pain
JG Khalil, M Smuck, T Koreckij, J Keel, D Beall, B Goodman, P Kalapos, ...
The Spine Journal 19 (10), 1620-1632, 2019
Incidence of simultaneous epidural and vascular injection during lumbosacral transforaminal epidural injections
M Smuck, BJ Fuller, B Yoder, J Huerta
The Spine Journal 7 (1), 79-82, 2007
Plasma disc decompression compared with fluoroscopy-guided transforaminal epidural steroid injections for symptomatic contained lumbar disc herniation: a prospective …
PC Gerszten, M Smuck, JP Rathmell, TT Simopoulos, SM Bhagia, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 12 (4), 357-371, 2010
Adverse event rates associated with transforaminal and interlaminar epidural steroid injections: a multi-institutional study
CA El-Yahchouchi, CT Plastaras, TP Maus, CM Carr, ZL McCormick, ...
Pain Medicine 17 (2), 239-247, 2016
A minimum of 5-year follow-up after lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections in patients with lumbar radicular pain due to intervertebral disc herniation
DJ Kennedy, PZ Zheng, M Smuck, ZL McCormick, L Huynh, BJ Schneider
The Spine Journal 18 (1), 29-35, 2018
Digital care for chronic musculoskeletal pain: 10,000 participant longitudinal cohort study
JF Bailey, V Agarwal, P Zheng, M Smuck, M Fredericson, DJ Kennedy, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (5), e18250, 2020
A scoping review of biopsychosocial risk factors and co-morbidities for common spinal disorders
BN Green, CD Johnson, S Haldeman, E Griffith, MB Clay, EJ Kane, ...
PLoS One 13 (6), e0197987, 2018
Immediate adverse events in interventional pain procedures: a multi-institutional study
CM Carr, CT Plastaras, MJ Pingree, M Smuck, TP Maus, JR Geske, ...
Pain Medicine 17 (12), 2155-2161, 2016
Objective measurement of function following lumbar spinal stenosis decompression reveals improved functional capacity with stagnant real-life physical activity
M Smuck, A Muaremi, P Zheng, J Norden, A Sinha, R Hu, ...
The Spine Journal 18 (1), 15-21, 2018
Accuracy of intermittent fluoroscopy to detect intravascular injection during transforaminal epidural injections
M Smuck, BJ Fuller, A Chiodo, B Benny, B Singaracharlu, H Tong, S Ho
Spine 33 (7), E205-E210, 2008
The Global Spine Care Initiative: model of care and implementation
CD Johnson, S Haldeman, R Chou, M Nordin, BN Green, P Côté, ...
European Spine Journal 27, 925-945, 2018
Stagnant physical therapy referral rates alongside rising opioid prescription rates in patients with low back pain in the United States 1997–2010
P Zheng, MC Kao, NV Karayannis, M Smuck
Spine 42 (9), 670-674, 2017
Gait symmetry assessment with a low back 3D accelerometer in post-stroke patients
W Zhang, M Smuck, C Legault, MA Ith, A Muaremi, K Aminian
Sensors 18 (10), 3322, 2018
Vasovagal rates in flouroscopically guided interventional procedures: a study of over 8,000 injections
DJ Kennedy, B Schneider, E Casey, J Rittenberg, B Conrad, M Smuck, ...
Pain Medicine 14 (12), 1854-1859, 2013
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