Dr. Mohammed Hail Hakimi
Dr. Mohammed Hail Hakimi
Professor of Petroleum Geosciences at Taiz university
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Geochemical characterisation of Early Cretaceous lacustrine sediments of Bima Formation, Yola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria: Organic matter input, preservation …
BMS Yandoka, WH Abdullah, MB Abubakar, MH Hakimi, AK Adegoke
Marine and Petroleum Geology 61, 82-94, 2015
Geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation modeling of the Jurassic source rocks in the Shoushan Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt
MR Shalaby, MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (9), 1611-1624, 2011
Geochemical characterisation of Fika Formation in the Chad (Bornu) Basin, northeastern Nigeria: implications for depositional environment and tectonic setting
AK Adegoke, WH Abdullah, MH Hakimi, BMS Yandoka
Applied Geochemistry 43, 1-12, 2014
Organic geochemical and petrographic characteristics of the oil shales in the Lajjun area, Central Jordan: Origin of organic matter input and preservation conditions
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, M Alqudah, YM Makeen, KA Mustapha
Fuel 181, 34-45, 2016
Organic geochemical characteristics and oil generating potential of the Upper Jurassic Safer shale sediments in the Marib-Shabowah Basin, western Yemen
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah
Organic Geochemistry 54, 115-124, 2013
Diagenetic characteristics and reservoir quality of the Lower Cretaceous Biyadh sandstones at Kharir oilfield in the western central Masila Basin, Yemen
MH Hakimi, MR Shalaby, WH Abdullah
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 51, 109-120, 2012
The origin, type and preservation of organic matter of the Barremian–Aptian organic-rich shales in the Muglad Basin, Southern Sudan, and their relation to paleoenvironmental …
YM Makeen, MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah
Marine and Petroleum Geology 65, 187-197, 2015
Organic geochemical characteristics and interpreted depositional environment of the Khatatba Formation, northern Western Desert, Egypt
MR Shalaby, MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah
AAPG bulletin 96 (11), 2019-2036, 2012
Geochemical characterization of solid bitumen (migrabitumen) in the Jurassic sandstone reservoir of the Tut Field, Shushan Basin, northern Western Desert of Egypt
MR Shalaby, MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah
International Journal of Coal Geology 100, 26-39, 2012
Source rock characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous Abu Gabra Formation in the Muglad Basin, Sudan, and its relevance to oil generation studies
YM Makeen, WH Abdullah, MH Hakimi, KA Mustapha
Marine and Petroleum Geology 59, 505-516, 2015
Organic geochemical and petrographic characteristics of Tertiary coals in the northwest Sarawak, Malaysia: implications for palaeoenvironmental conditions and hydrocarbon …
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, SG Sia, YM Makeen
Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 31-46, 2013
Source rock characterization and oil generating potential of the Jurassic Madbi Formation, onshore East Shabowah oilfields, Republic of Yemen
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, MR Shalaby
Organic Geochemistry 41 (5), 513-521, 2010
Organic geochemical characteristics of crude oils from the Masila Basin, eastern Yemen
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, MR Shalaby
Organic Geochemistry 42 (5), 465-476, 2011
Organic geochemical characteristics and depositional environment of the Tertiary Tanjong Formation coals in the Pinangah area, onshore Sabah, Malaysia
FL Alias, WH Abdullah, MH Hakimi, MH Azhar, RL Kugler
International Journal of Coal Geology 104, 9-21, 2012
Geochemical and petrographic characterization of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Chia Gara Formation in Northern Iraq: palaeoenvironment and oil-generation potential
IMJ Mohialdeen, MH Hakimi, FM Al-Beyati
Marine and Petroleum Geology 43, 166-177, 2013
Organic geochemical characteristics and depositional environments of the Jurassic shales in the Masila Basin of Eastern Yemen
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, MR Shalaby
GeoArabia 16 (1), 47-64, 2011
Modeling of gas generation from the Alam El-Bueib formation in the Shoushan Basin, northern Western Desert of Egypt
MR Shalaby, MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah
International Journal of Earth Sciences 102, 319-332, 2013
Molecular composition and organic petrographic characterization of Madbi source rocks from the Kharir Oilfield of the Masila Basin (Yemen): palaeoenvironmental and maturity …
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, MR Shalaby
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 5, 817-831, 2012
Geochemistry and organic petrology study of Kimmeridgian organic-rich shales in the Marib-Shabowah Basin, Yemen: origin and implication for depositional environments and oil …
MH Hakimi, WH Abdullah, MR Shalaby, GA Alramisy
Marine and Petroleum Geology 50, 185-201, 2014
Organic geochemistry, burial history and hydrocarbon generation modelling of the Upper Jurassic Madbi Formation, Masila Basin, Yemen
MH Hakimi, WH Abdulah, MR Shalaby
Journal of Petroleum Geology 33 (4), 299-318, 2010
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Articles 1–20