Dennis Valbjørn Christensen
Dennis Valbjørn Christensen
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2022 roadmap on neuromorphic computing and engineering
DV Christensen, R Dittmann, B Linares-Barranco, A Sebastian, ...
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2 (2), 022501, 2022
A high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas at the spinel/perovskite interface of γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3
YZ Chen, N Bovet, F Trier, DV Christensen, FM Qu, NH Andersen, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1371, 2013
Oxygen vacancies: The (in) visible friend of oxide electronics
F Gunkel, DV Christensen, YZ Chen, N Pryds
Applied physics letters 116 (12), 2020
Extreme mobility enhancement of two-dimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces by charge-transfer-induced modulation doping
YZ Chen, F Trier, T Wijnands, RJ Green, N Gauquelin, R Egoavil, ...
Nature materials 14 (8), 801-806, 2015
Quantization of Hall Resistance at the Metallic Interface between an Oxide Insulator and
F Trier, GEDK Prawiroatmodjo, Z Zhong, DV Christensen, M von Soosten, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (9), 096804, 2016
Creation of high mobility two-dimensional electron gases via strain induced polarization at an otherwise nonpolar complex oxide interface
Y Chen, F Trier, T Kasama, DV Christensen, N Bovet, ZI Balogh, H Li, ...
Nano Letters 15 (3), 1849-1854, 2015
The demagnetizing field of a nonuniform rectangular prism
A Smith, KK Nielsen, DV Christensen, CRH Bahl, R Bjørk, J Hattel
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (10), 2010
Towards high efficiency segmented thermoelectric unicouples
PH Ngan, DV Christensen, GJ Snyder, LT Hung, S Linderoth, NV Nong, ...
physica status solidi (a) 211 (1), 9-17, 2014
Analysis of the internal heat losses in a thermoelectric generator
R Bjørk, DV Christensen, D Eriksen, N Pryds
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85, 12-20, 2014
Strain-tunable magnetism at oxide domain walls
DV Christensen, Y Frenkel, YZ Chen, YW Xie, ZY Chen, Y Hikita, A Smith, ...
Nature Physics 15 (3), 269-274, 2019
Degradation of the performance of microchannel heat exchangers due to flow maldistribution
KK Nielsen, K Engelbrecht, DV Christensen, JB Jensen, A Smith, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 40, 236-247, 2012
Freestanding perovskite oxide films: Synthesis, challenges, and properties
FM Chiabrera, S Yun, Y Li, RT Dahm, H Zhang, CKR Kirchert, ...
Annalen der Physik 534 (9), 2200084, 2022
Surface Pyroelectricity in Cubic SrTiO3
E Meirzadeh, DV Christensen, E Makagon, H Cohen, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (44), 1904733, 2019
Stimulating Oxide Heterostructures: A Review on Controlling SrTiO3‐Based Heterointerfaces with External Stimuli
DV Christensen, F Trier, W Niu, Y Gan, Y Zhang, TS Jespersen, Y Chen, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 6 (21), 1900772, 2019
An optimized magnet for magnetic refrigeration
R Bjørk, CRH Bahl, A Smith, DV Christensen, N Pryds
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (21), 3324-3328, 2010
Giant Tunability of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Interface of γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3
W Niu, Y Zhang, Y Gan, DV Christensen, MV Soosten, EJ Garcia-Suarez, ...
Nano letters 17 (11), 6878-6885, 2017
Evidence of weak superconductivity at the room-temperature grown interface
GEDK Prawiroatmodjo, F Trier, DV Christensen, Y Chen, N Pryds, ...
Physical Review B 93 (18), 184504, 2016
Stacking and twisting of freestanding complex oxide thin films
Y Li, C Xiang, FM Chiabrera, S Yun, H Zhang, DJ Kelly, RT Dahm, ...
Advanced materials 34 (38), 2203187, 2022
Electron mobility in oxide heterostructures
F Trier, DV Christensen, N Pryds
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (29), 293002, 2018
Electron Mobility in
DV Christensen, Y Frenkel, P Schütz, F Trier, S Wissberg, R Claessen, ...
Physical Review Applied 9 (5), 054004, 2018
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Articles 1–20